
15 Things I Do On a Bad Mental Health Day

I suffer from quite a few different mental health problems. This means that I have good days, bad days and really bad days. On those ba...

I suffer from quite a few different mental health problems. This means that I have good days, bad days and really bad days. On those bad days, I can feel absolutely shattered, cynical, pessimistic, have little interest in doing anything, feel compelled to carry out obsessive rituals or be very hyper and unproductive. When I recognise that I am feeling any of these emotions, I do my best to change my mood by using a range of different techniques.

Some of these are more effective than others and some days it's a lot easier to do these things than it is on other days. But nonetheless, I try my hardest. These are just personal methods that work for me. I can't guarantee these for work for everyone but the thing about getting through a bad day is finding the right methods to work for you. Everyone's different. There's no magic answer for everyone.

So whether you have mental health problems, are very stressed or just want to deal with bad days a little bit better in the future then I hope you find something here that helps you out! Enjoy! 

1. Go on Spotify and listen to 80's music- 80's music in particular is always so upbeat and never fails to lift my mood. I love music in general but there's something about 80's music that never fails to get my feet tapping or fingers clicking!

2. Binge watch my favourite TV shows- some of my personal faves include Friday night dinner, would I lie to you and 8 out of 10 cats. No triggers! Nothing to make me upset. I struggle with watching films because they tend to make me cry but if you have some comedies you love, watch them! I'm sure they will help you out! 

3. Go on YouTube and watch my favourites playlist- I used to use this method in the mornings before going to school because I dreaded it so much and it really helped. Creating a 'Happy playlist' on YouTube filled with your favourite videos that never fail to make you laugh is a really helpful way to boost your mood when your struggling!

4. Scroll through Pinterest and look at positive quotes- Sounds super cheesy but there are some good ones on there which have some pretty deep meanings and really boost your morale. It's not for everyone, but I try my hardest to share my favourites on Twitter at least a couple of times a week.

5. Go on Twitter and chat to some of my chummies- They are always there to support me! Don't know what I would do without them! This includes all the Through Our Eyes girlies! I have made so many amazing friendships through blogging all of which I am so thankful for. 

6. Do my makeup- sometimes just making a little bit more of an effort with my appearance can boost my mood dramatically. I like to take my time on my makeup when I am having a bad day and maybe even do something special with my hair. 

7. Wear an outfit that makes me feel confident- when I put on my favourite jumper or dress that makes me feel good about myself, I instantly feel more inclined to get on and do things.

8. Do some photography- photography makes me unbelievably happy, but when I'm in a bad mood I have little Interest in doing the things I love. Sometimes you just have to force it, and once you get going, you soon forget about what you were upset about.

9. Write a blog post- like photography this can be hard but nothing feels better than writing a blog post you are super proud of. I do not force blog posts so if I'm not feeling it I will try planning and drafting out some future blog posts instead.

10. Look through old photos- this is something I love to do. I don't know what it is about feeling nostalgic but it makes me really happy. Especially when I find things I haven't seen in ages.

11. Clean & organise something- cleaning is a great distraction when you having a bad day. It forces your mind to focus on something else and is equally good at reducing stress levels.

12. Write it all down- sometimes we don't feel like we can talk to someone about what we are feeling, this is okay, but it's equally important not to bottle all your thoughts & emotions up. Writing them down is a perfect way to clear your mind, and you don't have to share it with anyone if you don't want to.

13. Getting some fresh air- it can be so easy for life to get on top of you but sometimes we all need a break. I like to put my headphones in, go for a walk in the country and forget about the rest of the world. It really helps clear my mind.

14. Visit some old friends- laughter is the best medicine, as they say! If you can meet up with some old chums and have a good catch up, they might help shift that bad mood completely!

15. Think about how far I have come and how much I have got to achieve- sounds super cringey I know but when you suffer from mental health problems it can be very easy to see the world and your life in a very negative light. I like to make lists of the things I have got to look forward to and all the things I have achieved so far in my life. It can really help get you in the right mindset for the rest of the day. 

Remember you are strong! A bad day does not mean you have a bad life. I hope you enjoyed this post and found it helpful! 

Thank you for reading X

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  1. Loved all these points, they also help me on the days when I'm not feeling the greatest either

    Sophie | Sophie's Spot


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