
50 Things I Do and Think To Make Myself Feel Happy

Everyone has those days, some more than others. The ones where you are feeling down for no reason. These are 50 things that I do or think t...

Everyone has those days, some more than others. The ones where you are feeling down for no reason. These are 50 things that I do or think to make myself feel a bit happier in myself.

Write a blog post

Send a Snapchat to someone who I like

Watch Whitney Loren's Snapchat (follow her, it's WhitneyLorenxo, it will definitely cheer you up!)
Watch a film - for example, Harry Potter, a firm favourite
Play my flute 
Play the piano
Listen to some happy songs!
Have a cup of tea, it makes everything better
Watch some YouTube videos, for example, Eve Bennett or Beckii Whiting
Colour in using one of my colouring book (my favourite is my Harry Potter one!)
Talking to my friends
Eat chocolate

Make a smoothie! It always makes me feel so organised!
Make a nice breakfast for me
Sit with my duvet over me, writing or fiddling around with my laptop
Fix something on a computer (things like that make me happy)
Take a note out of my happiness jar, which my friend made me for my birthday
Listen to the sound of waves 
Look through old photos

Play a game on my phone
Facetime one of my friends
Read people's blogs, for example, the amazing girls from Through Our Eyes
Cook something yummy and comfort-food-like (Yorkshire puddings)
Play on my Nintendo DS, like the good times
Play my ukulele
Go shopping 
Go for a walk
Read a magazine
Text my boyfriend
Meet up with a friend
Go on the swings outside my house
Go to a website called thequietplaceproject.com - there are many options, including one where you put your thoughts in and watch them disappear - I use it a lot!
Think about my family
Try out a recipe I wouldn't usually make
Cook for my family
Surprise my sister with something she wanted
Think about my favourite memories
Take nice photos for blog posts
Sort out my room

Sort the folders on my computer into nice tidy ones
Delete things off my computer that I don't want
Dance in the kitchen to my favourite tunes!
Play a bit of Mario Kart or Just Dance (old favourites)
Go onto a social media, especially Twitter and Instagram, which are my two favourites for finding cheerful advice or friends
Do a DIY
Go on Pinterest and add stuff to my boards!
What are your favourite things to do to make you feel happy?

Honestly, thequietplaceproject.com is one that I would solely recommend! It isn't sponsored, I am just telling you!

Until next time,
Katie xx

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  1. So many of these are great! I do basically all of these.

    Jemima x

  2. Loved so many of these, especially pinterest, I definitely use it too much xx

    Sophie | Sophie's Spot

    1. Thanks Sophie! Pinterest is definitely an addiction of mine!
      Katie xx


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