
How I Try To Stay Positive

Note: As you know the theme for this week is Holidays, however I have someone guest posting for this theme for me next week as there was...

Note: As you know the theme for this week is Holidays, however I have someone guest posting for this theme for me next week as there was a mix up. Nevertheless I hope you enjoy today's post.

Lately I've been feeling really... meh. I can't explain it and I think we all know how that feels, and it can be very frustrating. (Also my reason for missing last week's post, I apologise immensely for that!) A year ago I would've let myself fall deeper and deeper into a solitude state, but fortunately that's no longer me.

It's not easy staying completely happy and positive, correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think anyone is capable of that. Nevertheless, there are little things that you can do to help yourself out. I've started taking on small habits that help me stay positive and give me that bit of happiness and so I thought I would just share them with you and hopefully if you're ever in a negative state or feeling blue, they may help.

1. Turn a negative into a positive

I think this is one of the most important things for me. I turn a negative into a positive first by accepting what's happened, then pushing it out of my mind before dwelling on it and then seeing what could come out of the situation instead. Before, I would dwell on the situation until it consumed me and that was probably one of the worst things I ever did to myself. It's so important to try and find that little bit of positivity to help you keep moving forward.

2. Everything happens for a reason

I truly believe this! I really do think that some things fall out of place so that other things can fall into place and so on, and so I remind myself of this every time something unfortunate happens.

3. Surround yourself with good people

I feel like this is a given. Surrounding yourself with good and positive people will help you stay positive. For too long I surrounded myself with negative, toxic people who constantly brought me down. Thankfully I became friends with a small group of people who are extremely encouraging, supportive, positive and just make me a whole lot happier.

4. Slow things down

This summer has been my busiest yet what with work wanting me to do a lot more hours and trying to fit things in and whatnot. At times it's been hectic and I just didn't know what day it was or when the last time I had a good nights sleep! Then when everything stopped really, really suddenly, that's when I started feeling a bit down and so I realised that when things get hectic, I really need to try my best to find time for myself and slow things down. Going from being on a high for so long to a sudden low can really take it's toll.

5. Acts of kindness

Super important! But also super helpful! Random acts of kindness even if they're small can really boost your own happiness as well as others. I mean, what could be better than making someone's day? Every time something negative happens to me, my first thought is to do something positive by helping someone - again, turning a negative into a positive.

6. Exercise, sleep and eat well.

Exercise has both physical and mental benefits and I've found that it boosts my confidence and always makes me feel so much better. Even when I don't have the motivation to do much - or a full workout - I'll still do small exercise routines before I sleep or when I have spare time.

7. Do something you love

I won't lie, I love writing but blogging just hasn't been at the top of my list recently. I haven't been feeling it like I used to at all but I know that that will change when I get back to my usual self. However I have still been writing in my notebooks and writing my novel, also drawing and just doing things I love because they keep me happy and focused.

8. 3 things list

This isn't something I do now but when I was younger I would always make a list of three things that I'm grateful for, three things that make me happy and three things that were good that day - I would do this everyday for a week or two and then at the end of the time period I would look back on what I had written and it would always be really eye opening seeing all the positive things despite the negatives going on around me. It was something my dad and teacher always told me to do when I'm feeling down and it actually helped. So I definitely would suggest doing this!

There are so many ways we can do to bring positivity and happiness into our lives, and I hope that there's maybe at least one thing you can take away from this post that can help you.

What do you do to stay positive? And what makes you happy?

Thanks for reading,

Until next time, be you and keep smiling,

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  1. Loved this post! Listening to music and dancing always puts me in a good mood xx

    Sophie | Sophie's Spot


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