Like most girls, I have a love/ hate relationship with my hair. I have experimented a lot over the years, with different lengths, styles and even colours! I've made mistakes but that's completely okay because it's all part of growing up!
I love watching 'My hair history' videos on Youtube especially when they have had loads of different colours and styles ( I am talking people like Zoe London here), I find them so fun and interesting to watch, so I thought would do one too! Unfortunately, I haven't been very exciting colours (Yet! Watch the space) but my hair has changed a lot over the years, so I thought you would want to come on this journey with me, as I look back through old photos and hairstyles!
We are starting from when I was around three years old and going all the way to now when I am 17! Be prepared to cringe and laugh at some very bad choices I made in year eight at school but also hopefully you will 'awww' at some very cute baby photos of me! I was a cutie! Enjoy!
Firstly, can we just appreciate how cute this photo of me is? I think it's my favourite! I was probably around three years old year and I am going to be completely honest, I am so jealous of three-year-old Nicole! Look at my hair! Ahhhh!!! It's so pretty! I used to have bright blonde, curly hair and OMG I would do anything to have this colour and style of hair now but unfortunately, it didn't last long! Side note; how amazing is my jumper?
I still don't know how old I am in this photo but you can start to see the change in my hair, where it started to lose it's bright blonde colour and went to mousey brown, which is my natural hair colour to this day. At this stage, you can also see that my hair is not as curly as it was when I was younger!! I mean, it's still quite a pretty colour but nowhere near as nice as it was before! Oh, you will notice throughout all the photos, I have a fringe! I have had a fringe ever since I had hair and I will have a fringe for the rest of my life! (Massive forehead problems LOL)
Okay, so I am wearing a hat in this photo, so it's probably not the best photo to show you but you can see now that my hair is completely brown! No more, blonde! (sad times) I am still pretty cute, though. there's no denying that! My hair was long enough here to put up in a half up and half down ponytail, which is the same style I kept all the way through pre-school, infant and primary school.
I am a lot older in this post and definitely not as cute! I was probably around eight years old here. I am fully aware I am wearing another hat, don't worry it wasn't mine! God no, it was my grandad's! I must have got my hair cut a bit here because it isn't very long for some reason. I still have my fringe, it's just hiding! This photo also shows some of my natural blonde highlights, YES! They are making a comeback! Yeah, not really, though, unfortunately!
This photo was taken one Christmas, at the end of 2007 and I hate looking at this photo because I know I had a tummy bug and shortly after this photo I was sick. Anyway, you can see my natural hair colour very clearly in this photo. You can also see I have my half up, half down hairstyle going on again! I would also like to point out, that it wasn't my fault my fringe was always so short, my hairdresser did it and I always used to hate it for the first couple of weeks afterwards! What can I say? I was just too polite to tell her otherwise!
Skipping forward a few years, I would have been around 11 or 12 years old here. Where's my hair gone? Yep, that's right! I cut it all off! I went through a tomboy stage at the start of secondary school and really didn't like my hair, so I got a bob! At one point, it was so short, it was embarrassing and it did not suit me at all! Luckily here, it had grown out a bit! Can we just take a second to appreciate that outfit choice and no I don't need the toilet, although I am fully aware it looks like I do!
Here I am in Paris, so I would have been in year nine at school. As you can probably tell, my hair had grown back and I had now become obsessed with a new hair style- the high bun! I used to buy those things from Claires and wrap my hair all around it. If I am honest, I don't think it looks that bad! I definitely was going through a girly phase here! This was the last time I had my natural hair colour...DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!
In year 10, I discovered hair dye! NO NO NO! I wish I never did! Not blonde, anyway! At first, I dyed my hair golden blonde, which wasn't too bad but then I went lighter and OMG what was I thinking? It does not suit me at all! It does not match my skin tone at all and it was so hard to maintain. Dark brown roots do not look good! (Can you tell I was going through a grunge phase here?)
This was another photo from year 10, my hair is blonde! I don't think it's as bad as the previous photo but it still doesn't suit me at all. You can also see that now my hair has grown a lot! My hair is slightly longer than this now but it looks quite similar, length and cut wise! NOT COLOUR! OMG NO! :)
Once I got bored of the blonde, I decided to go auburn/ ginger! I personally didn't think this colour looked too bad but it didn't last very long at all! Though I kind of look a bit like an orangutan here! Lol, though I do actually think this photo was taken on the day I dyed it, so that's probably why it looked so bright! Are you ready for a big change??????

I went black and I bloody loved it! In the middle of my GCSE's I decided that I wanted to go very dark brown but for the first week or so it was black! Now being very pale, it kind of did wash me out a bit, To stop me looking like Morticia from the Addams Family or Snow White, I always had to put it up in a ponytail and I loved to wear it with a red polka dot hairband. I think this has been my favourite hair colour by far!
Unfortunately, the black didn't last very long and it faded out into a dark brown! This is the hair colour I had for my prom and I am honestly quite happy with the way my hair looked, both the colour and the style. It could have been a lot worse! I was really happy with the way my hair was at this point in my life but as I quickly learnt when I dyed my hair before, boxed hair dye doesn't last forever! I am gutted!
I didn't dye my hair for ages after going black. I kind of fell out of love with dying my hair and wanted to give my hair a bit of break. (My hair was very thankful) Here you can see my hair is basically an amalgamation of every hair colour. There were bits of blonde, black, ginger and brown- it was a bit of a mess! My hair is also quite curly in this photo, that's because every time I wash my hair, I don't dry it with a hairdryer, I put it in plaits and leave it overnight to dry! This has really helped my hair, thank God!
This photo was taken when I visited the Harry Potter studio tour, a.k.a. the best of my life ever! You can really see that my hair was a bit of a mess here, lots and lots of different colours! Also, can I just say, having a block fringe is very very hard! I have to wash it every morning because I wake up with it pointing in every direction- it's not a pretty sight! Photos like this one, where my fringe is not 100% perfect really annoy me!
So, it's been just under a year since I had last dyed my hair! I was getting restless, seriously once you start dying your hair, you can't stop! (I am sure others will testify to that) But anyway, I had some red hair dye in my house which was a bit old but whatever, YOLO! I dyed my hair red/ auburn around June time this year. It didn't last very long at all (that's probably because it was a couple of years old LOL) but it did add some nice tones to my hair.
I then got the coloured hair bug! OH NO! That just spells trouble, doesn't it? As I have never gone an unnatural hair colour before, I thought I better try it out first with chalk before I took the plunge! So I bought some Bleach London hair chalks and dyed the ends blue and green! I actually really liked it and thought it suited me! It lasted a couple of days and then washed out in the first wash.
When I got back from my holiday I dyed my hair blue for real! I dip dyed the ends of my hair a blue/ green colour after a bleached it blonde the hair before. Not going to lie I didn't realise it would be so much hard work! Who knew you needed an applicator brush and foil? LOL I didn't and I didn't have any of those things but I went for it anyway!
I think my next colour on my list is purple, then maybe dark blue? Who Knows! Life is too short not to dye your hair crazy colours!
When I got back from my holiday I dyed my hair blue for real! I dip dyed the ends of my hair a blue/ green colour after a bleached it blonde the hair before. Not going to lie I didn't realise it would be so much hard work! Who knew you needed an applicator brush and foil? LOL I didn't and I didn't have any of those things but I went for it anyway!
I think my next colour on my list is purple, then maybe dark blue? Who Knows! Life is too short not to dye your hair crazy colours!
I hope you enjoyed looking and probably laughing at all my old hairstyles and hair colours! I think it's safe to say my hair has been on quite a journey!
Have you ever dyed your hair or cut it all off? Would you ever go through your hair history or is it too embarrassing? Let me know in the comments below!
Thank you for reading X
Nice post! This post is so cute especially you when you were three. The obsession with Tweenies, I loved that show so much.
Awww you look so cute in the first picture. I've never dyed my hair, though I do want to go a wacky colour at some point.Great post!