
My Summer Holidays - An Overall Look Back

Due to my GCSEs, I haven't been in school since the 17th June, which is extremely early for a secondary school girl to be out of school,...

Due to my GCSEs, I haven't been in school since the 17th June, which is extremely early for a secondary school girl to be out of school, considering that I start college on the 12th September, which is far later than usual.

I thought, at the beginning of the holidays, 'I will get bored of the holidays and I promise myself I won't do very much because my exams took up so much time and energy that I need to get back'. However, I have done completely the opposite to that and I have done something every single day of the holidays without fail, which is both impressive and good for me. I have loved every moment of the time I have spent with my friends and on holiday with my family and choir. 

I have been to so many places, from Austria to Greece to Buckinghamshire to Southampton and I have many plans to go to other places as well, for example, on September 1st, Jemima and I will be going to Bath, which I am so excited for!

I enjoy doing things I the photos I have taken have proved that I believe. I have so much stuff left to do before I go back, from reading books about the English Language to going shopping with my friends and getting my GCSE results (let's not think about that) on the 25th August.

Until next time, Summer,
Katie xx

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