
Summer Body Confidence

I think I'm my most confident in winter because I can cover up in big jumpers and cute knitwear, so when summer rolls around, I find...

I think I'm my most confident in winter because I can cover up in big jumpers and cute knitwear, so when summer rolls around, I find it a bit hard to be confident. With a holiday coming up this week and my body being no where near how I want it, I thought I'd share some things that help me feel confident.

Dont Obsess With Sizes or Weight. 

I find that when summer is coming up, there's lots of diets or workout routines going around. These are all great for those who do it in healthy ways and feel good in the end but I think for me they often make me feel gross and then I just comfort eat. I think restricting yourself and your fun around some diet that isn't good fro you, isn't a fun way to spend summer. I think just making a few changes to your diet like maybe healthier foods is a great way to just feel a bit better. I try not to think about sizing and just get what flatters me and I never weigh myself; it's all about how you feel within yourself.

Flattering/Comfy Clothes.

In my head, I always feel pressured to wear smaller clothes or shorts etc. However, if these don't make you feel comfortable then you dont have to. I spent years trying to find a pair on denim shorts but they've always been uncomfortable on my thighs, so I just gave up. Now I go for a more culotte style, which definitely flatter my short legs better. It's all about finding things that are comfy for you, not trends or what you think you should be wearing. 

Your Mindset.

I feel like once I scrapped the idea of a 'summer body' I was a lot more happier in myself. I started the contraceptive injection, which often makes you gain a bit of weight, and I just knew that I couldn't beat myself up for a weight gain that wasn't all my fault and that's just generally a toxic mindset. Once I got rid of this goal and just decided to be more content with a bit of weight gain, I was much more content. Im not saying that this switch is easy but it's something you can try and I think it really helps with your general feeling towards body confidence.

The Media/Social Media.

I could say so much on this topic!! Ok Sophie, let's show some restraint and don't rant too much.
Basically, don't listen to what society is telling you to look like. Yeah those instagram models look fab but they're not you and you don't have to be like them. Everyone has their own amazing qualities that they really don't need to compare to others. 
Have cellulite on your thighs? Cool, get it out, wear those cool shorts and be comfortable. Most women do, it doesn't make you any less cute, if anything it's a lovely extra detail. 
Stretch marks? Yeah same, think they should stop you wearing anything? Nope. If someone says anything negative about things like this, you literally don't need them in your life. It's all natural and it all makes you the perfect you that you are. 
Don't like wearing a bra? Cool, get your nipples out and dont let people sexualise your comfort. 
Like wearing a bra? Cool, wear that bardot top and don't give a shit if you have your straps out. 
Nothing makes you ugly, nothing makes your outfit look bad and you dont need to compare yourself to anyone.

Hope you enjoyed this post.
What are your thoughts?

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  1. aw I loved this post! I totally agree with all the points you made! I don't feel very comfortable or confident in summer fashion so I try and avoid it at all costs! Going to be taking your tips on board though xx

  2. I loved this, especially the last part & I couldn't agree more :) I stopped weighing myself a long time ago so now I just focus on feeling good on the inside which makes such a difference x


  3. Summer is so hard for me to dress confidently. It's so much easier when you can cover up completely, but I definitely think that mindset is really important. Whenever I see pictures of other girls on holidays in shorts and bikinis I always feel that everyone must wear those in summer, but truthfully they make me feel rubbish so there's no point.

    Emily x | emilyclairewrites.com


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