
The Ocean

Sat on the edge of a boat in the ocean surrounding the island of Rhodes, Greece, and my feet skim the surface of the transparent water, jus...

Sat on the edge of a boat in the ocean surrounding the island of Rhodes, Greece, and my feet skim the surface of the transparent water, just so that I can feel the cold air but not to feel the sun-warmed sea that lay beneath, falling for metres and miles below me. I speed around rocks and habitats, spying on creatures big and small as they go about the daily grind of life, in their own sense. And I look around and I see the rest of the earth.
And I love it and I hate it. 

Until next time,
Katie xx

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  1. I love this Katie!

    Jemima x

  2. These photos are beautiful Katie! xx

  3. Beautiful pictures & beautiful text :) x



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