
What's In My College Bag?

Today's post is going to be a super quick from me. As most of you guys will be heading back to school, college or uni within the ne...

What's In My College Bag? back to school blogger UK lifestyle YouTube advice

Today's post is going to be a super quick from me. As most of you guys will be heading back to school, college or uni within the next couple of weeks- for our back to school themed week, I thought I would do a 'What's In my college back?'

I know you have probably watched and read a million of these posts and Youtube Videos already but I wanted to try out something a bit different with the style of this post- I hope you like it! 

If you didn't know, I am going into my second year of college (technically my first) to study 4 A levels; Phycology, sociology, philosophy and biology. I go to a college not a sixth form, but if you were going to a sixth form and needed some ideas for what to take in your bag, most of these would be the same anyway. My bag featured in the photo above was bought a couple of years back now so I can't remember the shop I bought it from. All my stationery (notebooks etc.) are from The Works. Seriously, if you want school suplies, go to them because they are the best! (and it's all so cheap!)

What's In My College Bag? back to school college sixth form uni advice

What's In My College Bag? uni back to school videos blogger lifestyle UK advice

What's In My College Bag? back to school sixth form college uni bags

What's In My College Bag? uni back to school blog lifestyle UK ideas

I hope you enjoyed this quick little post from me, this week! I hope it gave you some ideas for what to carry in your college bag this year! If you are starting school, sixth form, college or uni this September- I wish you the best of luck! Make sure you check out the other girl's posts as well for more back to school advice.  

Thanks for reading! X 

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  1. I love posts like this! I find it really useful seeing what other people bring with them.

    Jemima x

  2. Your bag looks so cool. This galaxy pattern is pure luvvv

    Noor | Noor's Place


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