
My Christmas Traditions

Christmas is 3 days away! I don't know about you but I am not feeling very christmas-y (is that even a word) yet and I am not sure why....

Christmas is 3 days away! I don't know about you but I am not feeling very christmas-y (is that even a word) yet and I am not sure why. The tree is up and everything is decorated so festive, I have done everything I normally do but I'm still not excited. 

This got me thinking, where did my christmas traditions come from? I think a lot of them originate from my parents but they have also been developed over time. Then, I was wondering if anyone had the same traditions as me so I thought I would share them with you to see!

The Tree
For me and my family, we usually put the tree up the weekend me and my brother break up from school, we are definitely not the type of people to put it up on the 1st November! Unfortunately this year, there was an issue which meant that the tree went up later than usual but nonetheless it is up! It is always me and my brothers "job" to put the decorate it. We always put the lights (lights in the shape of christmas trees and multicoloured fairy lights) on first, then the tinsel. Some people don't put tinsel on their tree which I find a bit weird, if I am honest! When it comes to the baubles, me and my brothers split them in half and do half each. 

Christmas Eve
Our Christmas celebrations start on Christmas eve. We usually have a light dinner and afterwards we wrap presents. Me and my brother will send our parents upstairs whilst we wrap their presents. Then me and my brother will wrap our presents for each other in our rooms separately. After all the present wrapping, we all watch TV, my favourite for christmas eve is The Snowman. Before we go to bed, me and my brother hang our stockings by the fire and leave out a mince pie, a carrot and some whiskey (i don't know why we put whiskey out!) for Santa.

I know some people open a present on Christmas Eve but I have never done that and I don't think I will ever do it in the future.

Christmas Day
On Christmas morning, I always seem to wake up really early! Around 8ish, my mum will knock on my bedroom door which means I can go downstairs! Me and my brother open our presents first and then my parents open their and after that we have breakfast which changes every year. Last year we had pancakes but I think the year before that we had croissants. When we host Christmas, the family arrives at 11 so until then we look at whatever we received. After they arrive we gift exchange and then it is lunch time! My mum always makes the most amazing christmas dinner and apple pie for afters. After lunch, we watch the christmas specials and chat!

Laura xx 

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