10 Reasons Why Working In Retail Sucks!

I've worked in a supermarket for over a year now, seriously, sometimes I wonder why I still do. If you work in retail then this is defin...

I've worked in a supermarket for over a year now, seriously, sometimes I wonder why I still do. If you work in retail then this is definitely a post you should relate to, otherwise, if you don't then please explain what you're doing so I can escape this madness. Also if you are someone who is planning to work in the world of retail then you should take what I say into account and of course, to see what you have to look forward to!

- Working stupid hours.
Ok, I have to admit, the hours are not as half as bad as a waitress job. However, I do find the hours are either stupidly short, for example my shortest shift I've been asked to work was an hour and a half - I said no though as it so wasn't worth the money, it would just enough cover my travelling costs! Also, my longest shift I have worked is 12 hours, on a TILL! Ok, so I do have two hours break, but that still equals to sitting on a till for ten hours, which is actually disgusting and was quite literally the worst shift I have ever done in my life.

- The Customer is "always" right.
I hate this saying. Everyday I'm in work I hear at least one person say it - sometimes it's a customer! But seriously, sometimes the customer is right but the majority of the time, they are really not! "I'm sorry you thought the bottle of water was 60p but you actually looked at the wrong la - - -", "No I didn't, I'll take you to it myself!". Seriously? As if working unsociable hours was hard enough!

- Opens the till - "Oh I've got the odd in change!"
This is something which annoys me so much. Some customers love to make life easier but are actually making it a whole lot more difficult for us. The total adds up to £66.97 and they give you £70 and as soon as you open the till they decide to throw you the 97p or maybe £1?? Seriously, I'm so confused now!

- It's just downright boring!
No explanation needed.

- Saying the same thing to every customer.
Hi, how are you? Would you like any bags? How many? The weather is nice today isn't it! Are you going anywhere nice this year? That's £££ please. Thank you, have a nice day/evening. Also, I get confused and sometimes I tell them to have a good evening in the bloody morning!

- Moody customers.
I understand that some customers aren't having the greatest of days - but, that does not mean you can be rude to us! Just imagine having to serve over a hundred moody customers, not nice!

- The hierarchy is extremely visible.
If you like working somewhere where you feel like a peasant then retail is the place to work! I've never felt so low down - but I guess that's work for you!

- "There's no barcode on this, I'll get someone to check"
This has to be the most annoying situation ever. Every shift I have one customer who has an item without a barcode and they then go in a right tiff with me, as if it's my fault! Well, no, you should have picked up one with a barcode!

- Always being indoors.
If you're lucky enough to work outside in the sector then this point doesn't apply to you and hell do I envy you! But there is nothing worse being stuck indoors with a big in your face window when the sun is out!

Thank you for reading, if you have any other reasons why working in retail sucks then please comment them as I have a right laugh about it!

Until next week,


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  1. I worked in retail for a while but my job was decidedly more varied than yours by the sound of it. I can well imagine how boring it must be to be sat at a supermarket till all day x

  2. I've never worked in retail. I don't think I'd have patience, lol! I always check to see if I've got change before I had over money because I can imagine how frustrating it would be if I gave change AFTER the till was open. xx

    1. Yes I check the money they give before opening the till and then they decide to add more money on top! xx

  3. I've worked in retail and on the tills before but I actually loved it, I eventually moved on from there and went to work in a university then went back into the retail environment but in the marketing department, then up to HR, Payroll and Cash Office but any time I would walk past and they were struggling on the tills I would jump on for a bit of nostalgia haha! Although the long till shifts are insane, my store was open 24 hours and one year at Christmas I worked a 16 and a half hour shift... I could have died afterwards! xx

    Charli | Beauty and Lifestyle Blogger at CHARLI B

    1. Oh congrats! Oh no that sounds terrible!! xx

  4. I really don't think I could ever work in retail! Being around people all day and having to put on a smile even when they are being annoying doesn't sound like fun to me & would probably drive me insane x


    1. It is genuinely so annoying! Never do it! x


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