
18 Facts About Whitney

                                                    It's safe to say that I am super excited about my first ever post on this blog t...


It's safe to say that I am super excited about my first ever post on this blog today!! It's introduction week, so I've decided to answer 18 questions about myself because I'm 18 years old, from some random tag I found on google.

What is your middle name?
My middle name is Loren. My mother called me Whitney Loren after Whitney Houston and Sophia Loren. Personally, I think Loren is so much prettier!

What is your favourite colour?
My favourite colour at the moment is red - however I'm so basic that my the majority of my clothes are black and white, so you could say them too!

Who was your first best friend?
My first ever best friend who isn't family was this girl called Alex. It actually broke my heart when I found out she was moving away to England with her family to stay with her gran as she was ill - but we never kept in touch! Alex if you read this one day, maybe you'll remember me.. PS: Both of our mothers names are Melanie, maybe now you remember me???

Cats or Dogs?
I love both cats or dogs, but honestly I could live with a million cats. I have three cats but I only see one all the time - as I don't live with my dad. Lexi, Poppy and Caspar.

What was the funniest moment throughout school?
There are two funny moments - one where looking back now is funny but back then wasn't and one story where I still laugh to this day for no reason whatsoever.
Story #1: When I was around 5 or 6 I decided I hated the name Whitney, typical, and decided I wanted my name to be Sophia. So when I started school, my teachers asked me my name and I said Sophia. Obviously the name Whitney was on the register and not Sophia, so every time the teachers called Whitney out on the register nobody answered. One day my mother picked me up from school and told me she's had a phone call from the school asking why she hasn't been taking me to school - but she had been and she nor the head master could figure out this misunderstanding. Until my mother realized I never replied to the name Whitney and soon clicked that I was going under a different name the whole time.. Yikes, I was in trouble!
Story #2: I was reading an extract from a book to my teacher by her desk in Year 5 (so that would make me 9 or 10), when my head master came into the room and said "oh hi Whitney, what's your name" .. bearing in mind I was in a totally different school to when I named myself Sophia, so they didn't know this.. So why did he ask me my name when he already said "HI WHITNEY"???? It wasn't long until I burst out laughing, to the point where I was crying and quite literally could not stop laughing. I then got sent out of the class for disrupting the class and as I walked down the corridor I let out a huge squeal of some sort when my "school crush" was at the other end starring at me. It's safe to say I died. Even now I'm laughing - but I honestly don't get what's bloody funny!

(that was longer than intended)

How many countries have you visited?
To be honest, I haven't traveled much.. But I've been to America, France, Germany, Amsterdam, Spain and I guess you could say England too? So 5 or 6 if you count England.

Are you in college?
Yes. I just finished resitting first year college. So, what I mean to say is hopefully in September I will be going into my second year - and not resitting first year again!

What is your favorite movie?
I have a few favourite movies. I'm kind of old school - of course I love movies now, but I feel like you can't rewatch most movies these days - or it's just me being too into old movies? So basically: Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, Ghost, Sister Act, Grease, Footloose. (and more but..)

What is your favourite drink?
My all time favourite drinks are Lemonade and Fanta/Tango. And if it's alcoholic then pineapple and Malibu or Banana Colada!

What is your favourite perfume?
100000000000000000% Si by Giorgio Armani!

Do you have any siblings?
Unfortunately not. Sometimes I love not having a brother or sister - but sometimes I wish I had their company.

What is your favourite food?
Apart from anything chocolate, I am a huge lover of chicken. I literally love chicken so much that I dream about eating it - weird, right?

What is your favourite restaurant?
I hate to say it but I love it, Nandos!

What are some of your favourite TV shows?
I loved Gossip Girl so much, so that is definitely up there. But for ongoing TV shows, I love love love Eastenders, The Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars.

What phone do you have?
iPhone 6s in Rose Gold.

Do you have any bad habits?
Yes. Unfortunately, all I wear is fake nails and that is because I have such a bad habit of biting my nails, which I find extremely unhygienic! Therefore I buy a pack of glue on nails every week and it stops my terrible habit, plus they're so much easier to maintain - but I don't recommend them all the time like I do because my nails underneath are worse than ever!

What is your favourite song at the moment?
Right now I'm loving Good Grief by Bastille and Tilted by Christine and the Queens.

What is your favourite shop?
The shops I shop at most are New Look and Boots.

Well that sums me up sort of! I hope you enjoyed this post and the other girls' posts too. I also hope you come back and see what I've wrote next Thursday as I'm sure you'll enjoy that too! 


PS: Visit my personal blog here.

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  1. Your school stories did make me laugh! It's great getting to know you better Whitney!

    Jemima x

  2. That is also my favourite perfume! It's seriously the best!

  3. What a lovely idea to take a snapshot of where you are now. Make sure you keep this post to come back to in 10 years' time.

  4. Love your introduction post! I laughed at the fake nail part because it drives me crazy that you're never not wearing them, haha!

    Tiffany // giventheworld.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Haha! I thought I'd never see the day I stopped wearing them!

  5. I loved reading your answers & get to know you better :) you were such a badass as a kid haha x



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