
The A-Z of Nicole

For my debut to the ‘Through Our Eyes Blog,’ I thought I would tell you a bit about myself. However, I hate writing facts about myself ...

For my debut to the ‘Through Our Eyes Blog,’ I thought I would tell you a bit about myself. However, I hate writing facts about myself because I feel so narcissistic and I am sure no one cares that much about me to want to read a long list of facts. So Instead I thought I would do an A-Z of me. Yes, I did struggle with trying to find something for every letter. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy and you find out some interesting (umm... that’s’ debateable) facts about me. Enjoy!

A- Alice in Wonderland: Has to be one of my favourite all time films. I love the original, the 2010 version and the new; Alice through the looking glass. I even based some of my GCSE photography coursework on Alice in Wonderland because I love it so much.

B-Blogging: This is a bit of an obvious one, which I bet you knew I was going to go with! I love blogging so much. I have run the blog ‘Thrifty Vintage Fashion’ since 2014 and it’s honestly my life, I pour my heart and soul into that thing, it’s like my little baby.

C- Cornwall: Cornwall is one of my favourite places in the world. It’s so beautiful and the beaches are stunning. It would be my dream to live there when I am older.

D- Disney: I am a massive Disney fan. Admittedly, I like Pixar films more than the classics but some of my favourites are; Bambi, Fox and the Hound and Lady and the Tramp.

E- Emetophobia: I have Emetophobia which is a severe fear of being sick. It sucks and stops me doing a lot of things I want to but it’s something I have learnt to fight every day.

F- Fussy Eater: I am such a fussy eater. I don’t eat any fruit. I have never had a curry, Nando’s or a McDonalds- I know it’s shocking. I practically live off fish finger sandwiches and kids’ potato waffles.

G-Guardian: The Guardian is one of my favourite things to read. Honestly, I am a big lover of the news in general and feel weird if I am not up to date with current affairs! Call me a nerd!

H- Harry Potter: Words can’t describe how much I love Harry Potter. I am not even ashamed to say that when I visited the studio tour in London, it was one of the happiest days of my life!

I-Introvert: I am an introvert and proud. I am very quiet, much prefer listening to others than talking. I hate small talk and the thought of talking in front of a large crowd of people makes me very nervous but I am not rude!

J- Jobs: I have never had a job I also have no idea what I want to do in the future. I want to go down the psychology route but I am not sure yet. I have done lots of work experience at nurseries though and realised that wasn’t for me, at all!

K- Keeping up Appearances: Keeping up Appearances is one of my all-time favourite TV shows. It’s so old now, it’s from like the 80s/90s but it never fails to make me laugh! I highly recommend it if you have never watched it!

L- Lists: I love a list if you haven’t already gathered from this post. I love to do lists and feature a lot of lists on my blog. They are my favourite thing to write on my blog and I don’t know how I would function on a daily basis without them.

M- Music: My music taste is so varied. I love anything from R&B to 80s music but my favourite genre by far has to be indie. I love the Artic Monkeys, Pink Floyd and The Smiths.

N- Nicole: That’s my name! If I wasn’t called Nicole, I think I was going to be called Heidi, which I am not going to lie, I much prefer.

O- OCD: I have OCD. Although it’s a daily battle, I am getting there slowly but surely.

P- Photography: I love photography. I feel so relaxed when I have my camera in my hand, taking photos of pretty flowers and nature. I also studied GCSE photography, where I made lots of videos, which I enjoyed so much and got an A* for- I was really chuffed!

Q- Qualifications: I passed all my GCSEs with 6 A*s, 3 Bs and 3 Cs and I am currently waiting to start studying my A levels in September. Don’t ask what I did this year, we don’t need to talk about it…

R-Record Player: Is what is on top of my Christmas list this year. I really want one of my own as I am currently using my mum’s and it’s just not very pretty!

S- Swimming: I can’t swim and I don’t think I will ever learn. It’s one of those skills which I didn’t master as a kid after some bad experiences and I don’t think I will learn how to, anytime soon.

T- Twitter: I am obsessed with Twitter. It’s my favourite social media platform by far. I could spend hours on there, chatting away with the blogging community. Everyone is so supportive and sweet! Aww, I love them so much!

U- UK: Where I live! I live in the country, down the south-west. There’s a lot of sheep, fields and farms where I live, not going to lie!

V- Vinyl: I collect vinyl. I have actually managed to build up quite a collection now. However, I wish I had more but they are just so damn expensive. Why???

W-Workaholic: I am a complete workaholic. I can’t ever stop. I always need to be doing something productive. I can’t stand missing deadlines, so I always make sure if possible everything is done weeks before. LOL, no I don’t have much of a social life!

X- X-Files: This is another one of my all-time favourite shows. Again from the 80s/90s, it’s just the absolute bomb. I am so glad they brought it back this year and I am praying they do an 11th season!

Y- YA Fiction: I love reading when I have the chance. My favourite books to read are YA fiction and my favourite book is; Am I normal yet? By Holly Bourne, it’s such an amazing book that covers mental health very well.

Z- ZZZ…: I love sleeping. I am one of those people who always go to bed at 10 and is awake at like six in the morning. No all-nighters, for me- this girl needs her beauty sleep.

And that’s it! 26 new pieces of information about me to wet your appetites. If you learnt anything from this post, it’s probably that I’m a bit weird but there’s nothing wrong with that!

Thank you for reading!

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  1. Love your introduction post, Nicole! Alice in Wonderland is one of my all time favourite films, too and I did my GCSE Art exam on it, haha! It was lovely to get to know you a bit more.

    Tiffany // giventheworld.blogspot.co.uk

    1. aw Alice in wonderland is just the best! Thank you xx

  2. I love this idea, it must have been hard to come up with something for each letter though! I already knew some of these things about you, probably a sign that I like to stalk your blog haha :) x


  3. This was such a great idea! Was also lovely to get to know more about you Nicole!

    Whitney xoxo | Whitney Loren.


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