
25 Questions About Me - Katie

Welcome to my introduction! I have been blogging for about a year and a half over on my blog Katieswaytohappy, which you can read HERE , so...

Welcome to my introduction! I have been blogging for about a year and a half over on my blog Katieswaytohappy, which you can read HERE, so it is weird to be reintroducing myself to a different audience! I like it! I thought I would just give you a bit of information about myself so that you know who is writing what you are reading! I hope you enjoy this snippet of me!

My name is Katherine Grout and I'm 16!

25 Questions About Me!

1) What is your middle name?: Bethan! I'm part Welsh, so my parents chose that!

2) What is your favourite subject at school?: I love music and I want to be a music teacher when I am older! I also love English Language and Maths! I am about to start my A-Levels, so I am deciding them for certain at the moment!

3) What is your favourite drink?: I love tea! Especially Lady Grey and just plain, old, normal tea! Also, I love iced water! 

4) What is your favourite song at the moment?: I have many! At the moment, I love East of Eden by Zella Day and Satisfied from the musical, Hamilton! My all-time favourite songs are Moon River by Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly by Mika, though!

5) What is your favourite food?: I love chicken, especially my mum's chicken katsu curry burgers. Oh my gosh, they are good. I also love garlic bread and cheese!

6) What was the last thing you bought?: Food-wise, Percy Pigs from Marks and Spencers (a firm sweet favourite). But item-wise, my new Revolution Vivid Baked Highlighter, which is the most beautiful thing ever!

7) Favourite book of all time?: All of the Harry Potters, in particular, Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix. Also, Chocolat, which is fabulous!

8) Favourite colour?:  I'm going to say lime green, but also teal, like my nails at the moment!

9) Do you have any pets?: I used to have a rabbit, called Nugget, up until a couple of weeks ago. He was so cuddly and cute and I loved him so much!

10) Favourite Perfume?: I can't say I have one, in particular, to be honest, but Victoria's Secret's Secret Charm is nice!

11) Favourite holiday?: My choir tour to Italy was pretty fabulous, to be honest, but I also loved when I went to Kenya when I was younger to visit my Auntie!

12) Favourite Fruit?: Nectarines, in the summer, are really nice!

13) Have you been out of the country before, if so, how many times?: Like I said, I have been to Italy and Kenya, but I have been out of the country a lot to France and this year I am going to Greece and Austria!

14) Do you speak any other language?: I took GCSE French but I was terrible at it and don't hope for anything above a C, to be honest, so I would say yes but only extremely vaguely.

15) How many siblings do you have?: I have one sister, who is 2 and a half years younger than me!

16) What is your favourite shop?: I love shopping at Primark but for the atmosphere and cute things, Urban Outfitters. I also love Waterstones because I can sit and read for ages in there!

17) Favourite Restaurant?: I love Wagamamas and Nandos (mainstream life) because I love the atmosphere and the food!

18) When was the last time you cried?: I can't remember exactly but it was because I was stressed about college and I was missing school and some of my friends and teachers.

19) Favourite Blog?: I cannot name them all, that would be unfair! (I also quite like mine *plug plug*)

20) Favourite Movie?: I love James Bond (Skyfall and Spectre) but Cinderella is my absolute favourite!

21) Favourite TV Shows?: I am currently watching and loving Orange is the New Black, but I also love The Big Bang Theory and Pretty Little Liars! Also, Mock the Week is a good one.

22) PC or Mac?: PC all the way!

23) What phone do you have?: An IPhone 5s in silver!

24) How tall are you?: I can't remember, something like 5 foot 6, I am not so sure!

25) Can you cook?: I can! I took catering GCSE so I have quite a knack for cooking, although if you ask me to make something, I am likely to mess it up in some form!

I hope this gave you a bit more information on me! 

See you soon!
Katie x

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  1. Lovely to get to know more about you! Great intro!

    Whitney xoxo | Whitney Loren.

    1. Thank you Whitney! As was yours!
      Katie xx

  2. Chicken katsu burgers sound amazing!!

    Jemima x

    1. They literally are! I shall send you the recipe!
      Katie xx

  3. Nice getting to know you a bit more, Katie! Also I love love love Cinderella :D

    Tiffany || lovetiffany

  4. I LOVE the middle name Bethan! It's such a lovely name! Teal is my favourite colour as well! Lovely to 'meet' you (kinda haha) through this post, can't wait to hear more from you guys! Kate :) xx

    1. Thanks Kate! Nobody usually thinks of Bethan as a middle name, apparently it is quite rare, but I like it and I am glad you do too!
      Katie xx

  5. I loved reading your answers to these questions! It's a great way to get to know you better :) Nectarines are deinitely one of my favourite fruit for summer too x


    1. Thanks Sara! I also love pears!
      Katie xx


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