
Who am I? - Sara

Hi there & welcome to my first post on 'Through Our Eyes'. It's introduction week which means you get to know one of ...

Hi there & welcome to my first post on 'Through Our Eyes'. It's introduction week which means you get to know one of us a bit better each day and it's my turn today. When I was planning this post I was thinking about what makes me, me. I made a list and wrote down different aspects of who I am, how I function and what I love. Of course I'll never be able to tell you everything about myself in one post but overall the ten keywords I'm going to be sharing do cover some of the most important pieces in the 'Sara jigsaw'. Fun fact: it's also my first blogiversary today aka the perfect day to post on here for the first time.

So who am I?

Proud Introvert

I'm an introvert. No, that doesn't mean I'm shy or antisocial and no, I'm not being quiet because I'm not okay or sad. What it does mean is that being surrounded by people for too long makes me feel exhausted and I need alone-time to recharge. I prefer listening to talking, I'd rather have a one-on-one conversation than a discussion in a large group of people and I can express myself a lot better through writing. If you're interested in reading my posts on being an introvert you can check them out on my personal blog.

Aspiring Writer

I love writing and like I said it's my way of expressing myself which is why I started blogging. Being a published writer one day and seeing my books in a store would be a dream come true. Written words are so powerful and the fact that you can create an entire world & make characters come to life through them has always been fascinating to me. 


My dream of being a writer leads me to this next keyword. I believe in the quote 'all of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them' and it's something I remind myself of almost on a daily basis. To me life is all about daring to dream big, working towards these goals and not giving up.


I've loved reading as long as I can remember, there's nothing better than getting lost in a good story. Reading isn't just simply a way to pass time, it's a way to dive into this new world, get to know the characters, follow them on their journey and go through their ups & downs with them. I could also spend hours at the library or a store, looking through all the different books there are. 
Double Citizen 

My dad comes from a little village in the south of Italy called Castelgrande so I'm half Swiss, half Italian and I love having a bit of both in me. I might have grown up in Switzerland and I might not speak Italian fluently but the Italian blood running through my veins allows me to call Italy my second home. Because whenever I'm down there, it does feel like home.

Morning Person 

I love getting up early, even on the weekend or during holidays. Morning time is when I'm most productive so I like using that part of the day to get things done. There's just something so peaceful about mornings. Being up early also means you have more hours in front of you and you're not wasting half of your day.     


I'm always overthinking everything and end up worrying way too much which leads me to feeling stressed out & putting unnecessary pressure on myself. It's a problem, but I can't help it. Even now as I'm writing this I'm asking myself if people even care enough to read about who I am.


Food is great, isn't it? I've always been a food lover but it wasn't until two years ago that I also really got into healthy eating, cooking and trying out recipes. Breakfast is definitely my favourite meal of the day and I'm pretty sure that if I wasn't a morning person that would be what gets me out of bed in the early hours.  

Short One 

I'm quite a short person (about 1,54 m) just like most of my family members are. Being the smallest one in a group for example in my class is pretty much standard for me and it's also a reason why I look younger than I actually am.

Beach Lover

The beach is definitely my happy place. I love sitting in the sand, listening to the sound of the waves or walking along the water but I also love everything you associate with the beach like the palm trees or the sunshine. I don't know what it is but being near the ocean always gives me a feeling of freedom and complete relaxation. Unfortunately living in Switzerland means that I'm not on a beach that often but it also means that every time I'm there it's even more special.

I hope you enjoyed reading about who I am & I'd love to see you again next Tuesday! Sara x

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  1. Lovely to get to know more about you Sara! I'm also a terrible overthinker! PS: Love that skirt in the last picture!

    Whitney xoxo | Whitney Loren.

    1. It's a problem! Thank you, I've had that dress for a few years now & still love it :) x

  2. Sara, like some weird coincidence, I happen to have just read your bio on your blog so this seemed somewhat familiar haha! ;) I love the way you split it up into 10 things-I have no idea what things I'd pick if I was to do the same kind of thing! I'm also usually the shortest in any group I'm in so I know that feeling haha :) I'm very much a morning person and bookworm too! Can't wait to see your posts here! :) xx

    1. aww haha yeah, I thought it would suit the about me page on my personal blog perfectly :) thank you for reading & stopping by - I hope you'll enjoy our posts x

  3. So many of these apply to me too! I also want to be a properly published writer - that's always been the dream.

    Jemima x

    1. I feel like we're quite similar when it comes to a lot of things! :) x

  4. I love your introduction and getting to know you better is so lovely!

    Tiffany | giventheworld.blogspot.co.uk


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