
A Day In My Summer

I thought for this weeks diary post, I'd do a sort of GRWM style post but the full day! Enjoy!

I thought for this weeks diary post, I'd do a sort of GRWM style post but the full day! Enjoy!

My days usually start at around 10am, I wake up and kind of laze around for a while.
This is usually the time where I'll check my social medias and catch up with my snapchat streaks, they are dedication!! 
This is also the time when I'll catch up with friends, so I'll usually message my best friend  Grace and see how she's doing and have a chat and I'll message my boyfriend to have a good day at work or if he's at mine that day we will both get up together and this is when I do my blog time. Those are probably my favourite parts of the day because it's just nice to catch up with everyone, especially in summer when everyones doing their own thing. Sometimes I'll actually get up at this time and get ready but today was a definite lazy day in bed.

It usually takes me 20 minutes to an hour to get up and this is when I'll make my breakfast. It's so important for me because usually I wake up starving!! To be honest my diet is that of a 5 year old, I mainly eat potatoes and toast and breakfast is no exception. I usually make toast with honey; perfect sugary pick me up. Then of course I have my coffee, I definitely can't start the day without a coffee.

At dinner time, I usually start moving out my pit and getting ready. 
My everyday makeup routine is pretty simple, especially if I'm going out later because I'll usually do my makeup more dramatic later. It turns out today that I was going out for a politics night out to celebrate finishing my A Levels, so I did extra special makeup later. For a general everyday makeup, I'll just use my Bourjois foundation, Rimmel 24 hour concealer, powder and eyeliner. OH and of course brows, can't go a day without brows. 
When I'm doing all my little jobs, like tidying my room or doing my makeup, I'll listen to my summer playlists. Recently I've been loving Little Green Cars and Frankie Cosmos. Definitely worth a listen!!

Today I was seeing my friend Grace and sorting things out for our holiday. I think making time for friends is so important, especially this year because in September we will all be moving different places. I feel like the prospect of uni has made me a lot more sentimental about all the friends I have now. I've been making a lot more effort to see them and have fun nights out and just generally push myself in terms of social situations. 
Me and Grace live in Hartlepool, which is in the north of England so the weather is never particularly nice. This means that a typical day for us would either be going for a drive with friends, eating out or just sitting and having a catch up. Today was definitely a sit and chat day. We spoke all about Prague and all the things we will be doing there.

As I said, today was my time to go out with my old politics class so I started getting ready here. Meeting at 5 so I like to give myself an hour or so to get ready slowly, have a few drinks and listen to music. I love this time because it's my relaxation. I love doing my makeup for nights out and trying different things and this time I went for extra sparkle and highlight.

ALSO if you're ever looking for good night out, yet casual clothes, look on Boohoo!! I've really stocked up on little vest tops to pair with my highwaisted jeans. Also Primar has had some fab stuff in.

When I've been out, I usually make the most of the light nights and stay out too late. Tonight was really nice though, I love just going out with friends and having a few drinks and a meal. It's always so much fun and it really challenges my anxiety. I think surrounding yourself with positive people really helps and thats what my summer has been all about.

Hope you enjoyed this post and it wasn't too rambley. I never know if this kind of thing is boring but I love these kind of post because I'm a bit nosy.

Whats your typical summer day?
Sophie X

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  1. I love this! Your outfit is lovely and I like to know I'm not the only one who gets up late. I'm also now craving toast and honey!

    Jemima x

  2. I loved reading this, it wasn't boring at all! I love to find out what everyone gets up to in their days x

  3. I love your outfit, especially the high-waisted shorts :) I'm kind of trying to push myself more in social situations right now & in the future too x



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