
A Heart For You And A Heart For Me

Dear Diary, 7 AM... Im so happy today is the first day of year 5 and i cant wait to see callum <3<3<3 we have now been goin...

Dear Diary,

7 AM...

Im so happy today is the first day of year 5 and i cant wait to see callum <3<3<3 we have now been going out for all the summer so 6 weeks. it is longer than we have been out before and now i love him so much more than before<3 i told you before every day he nocked on my door to see if i wanted to go down the park with him. we had fun this summer and went out to the shop nearly every day for sweets and a blue drink.
anyway today is the first day of year 5 and i have to go becose mammy is shouting at me to get ready!!

3 PM

callum is the love of my life!! in class he cut out a heart but it looked a bit funny becose it didnt look like one but it is so cute i stuck it here -> for you look! isnt it cute he even tried to colour it in all but miss davies caught him lol and he got in trouble but he threw it at me. at lunch time i made a heart for him and wrot in it saying i love him forever. he looked at me and smiled. g2g food!!

7 PM

i just came home from the park with callum aaron and tommy were out to! i said to callum no not now because he tried to kiss me what the hell!! im so emb enbaresd becose my friends aaron and tommy were out he tried again what a weird boy so we broke up and now i hate him. i want to tell mammy but she might give me a row for thinking about kissing boys. ill go down stares and i will try to tell her ill let you know

9 : 13 PM

hello i told mammy and she didnt give me a row. she said i was a good girl for saying no and braking up with callum. i said to her i hate him and never want to see him again becose he eats his boogies. i cant belive i gave him my heart earlier, i want it back i will ask him tomorrow because i dont love him forever! goodnight ill talk tomorrow when i have some sleep to think about callum. <3<3

11 :45 PM i think

i should be in bed but i need to write this. right now my lamp is on but if mammy sees the light on she will be mad at me so i put my t shirt on it to make it a bit darker so i can write. i miss callum i cried for a few hours and i dont know what to do. im in trouble with my step dad for not eating my jam on tost and i hate him too. i hate callum and i hate my step dad. i love them and miss them when they go thouh.
shes coming bye


I hope this wasn't as painful to read as it was to write, because my grammar is horrendous! I don't just want to share with you a bit of my 9 year old diary - I also want to react to it! First of all, Callum was one of those boys in Primary School who would date everyone but he was clearly the love of my life when I was 9. I remember being obsessed with him, which is actually quite scary so please ignore that! I think I started liking him in year 3.. So, that would make me 7/8 and I stopped liking him and his boogers when I was about 11. My mother always found him cute and would always wind me up about him but I genuinely don't see what was so funny??

I actually remember this day which actually makes me laugh.. So basically I was so happy to see him, had his heart and then he crushed mine GREAT!! but I'm quite confused because I'm the one who ended the "relationship"? But seriously though, what was I thinking??! I could just imagine me sitting with my current boyfriend and cutting him out a paper heart, "love you forever xxx". No.

I have to agree with my nine year old self, the park part was quite EMBarassing, as Aaron was my life long best friend and Tommy just recently came and joined us, so I mean, where's the privacy?? I do think I was a bit harsh ending things with the boy seeing as all he tried to do is give me a smooch. But I was 8.. I couldn't even hold a hand when I was in Secondary School ha!

The fact that I wanted the cut out heart I made back is funny! As if he would keep it, he probably threw it in the bin.. But I clearly didn't bin his as I bloody sellotaped the thing to my diary ha!

This diary entry is nine years old in September and I can proudly say I can now write and spell much better, I am so over Callum, I have left school and I have a part time job, oh and instead of a diary I now write a blog.

Note to nine year old Whitney: Please don't ever put a T-Shirt on top of a lamp, you are asking for all kind of problems - mainly a fire. Also please don't cry over Callum or any other boy because you are better than that, you are only nine. However, in a few years you will have an actual hard break up I suppose, so stay strong and don't do anything stupid!

I hope you enjoyed this post, even though it is quite typical for me as in all my diaries I'm writing about a boy (disclaimer* I don't write one anymore). 

Make sure you check out the other girl's diary entries and our other content!

My personal blog: Whitney Loren
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  1. Aww this was so cute to read! You and Callum are definitely my OTP even though you totally broke his heart haha x



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