
A Look Through My Old Embarrassing Diaries

I have been wanting to do this post for months but I never got around to it because I knew it involved me sitting down and going throu...

A Look Through My Old Embarrassing Diaries UK Lifestyle beauty

I have been wanting to do this post for months but I never got around to it because I knew it involved me sitting down and going through all my old diaries, which I didn't know if I was mentally prepared for. If you ask any blogger if they kept a diary when they were younger, I bet the answer is yes! There's just something within us, from an early age! Most bloggers are budding writers from an early age and I was no exception.

I kept quite a few diaries as I grew up, all of which are highly embarrassing and filled with cringey stories. Today, I thought it would be a good idea to share some of these entries with you (I don't know what went through my mind when I came up with this idea but we're just gonna roll with it) The first diary I have is a Tracy Beaker one from 2009. I would have been 10 as I started this diary on the 1st January 2009. I then have another diary from when I was also 10, but this time, it documented my thoughts as I went on holiday, again in 2009. I then have another diary from 2011, when I was in year 7. I started it in July so I would have been 12? I think? I haven't included many entries from that diary in this post just because a lot of them are pretty dull and I also can't read my horrific handwriting. 

I also found a notebook which I started as like an 'autobiography' I know! I know! This book is full of stories, including one from a sleepover and facts I had written about myself etc. Some of these entries were quite long, so I thought I would save it for another post- if you would like that! However, I have included a short extract from that diary as it was juts too good not to share! I hope you enjoy reading these entries from my past, very different and embarrassing self! Please do cringe along with me!

Side note: I have copied the diary entries exactly as I wrote them in my diaries. So yes, my spelling and grammar are awful but I thought it would add to the embarrassment and also make you guys laugh if nothing else! Enjoy!

1st January 2009
" Today I got a bit of paper and wrote down everything about 2008. (That I can rember) I love birds. And today I saw a wren and a blue tit. I also saw the daily vistors the black birds and the robins, pigeuons and magpipes. A great start to the year."

MAGPIPES! LOL OMG! I don't even like birds! What was 10-year-old Nicole thinking?

5th January 2009
"Back to school today! Quess what we woke up to snow this morning! I am also pupil of the week! I came back from extra maths and 15/28 people were writing things about me, It was really cold in are class rooms today! But it was nice to see my friends!"

I made that sound really weird, like why would all these people be writing about me? But basically we had this confidence boosting thing where each week a name from the class was pulled from the hat and your peers were supposed to write nice things about you and put them in a box for you to take home at the end of the week, I still have all mine till this day!

13th January 2009
"Today I did not do a lot but anna got very bad at lunch time, oh well! The thing I was shocked about: The dentist. The highlight of my day: Reading a book"

15th January 2009
"I moved up a level on my reading books today and I had a hissy fit with Catalin and had the worst afternoon ever. The thing I was cross about: Loosing golden time."

I was such a goody-two-shoes! It's unbelievable!

16th January 2009
"We got golden time back, yeah! I got 10/10 on spelling. 14/14 on times table and I got 4/5 on mental maths and I was in golden book for great maths"

See what I was saying about being a goody-two-shoes?

6th February 2009
"Today we had snow and were off school. And the snow was a good 12 inch. But the snow is not as fun as it sounds as my dad got suck at work but luckily he is home now. But my home town was closed so we cloud not get out or in"

I swear my spelling just got worse over the years, to be quite frank it isn't much better now!

14th February 2009
"Valentine's day! No cards today! but I don't care! I still have got a great mummy and daddy also I got a my red nose today!"

This is so cute because I so did care. I wish I could tell 10-year-old me not to worry because 17-year-old Nicole will also be in the exact same position but now she really couldn't care less. Also, the red nose was for comic relief just in case you were wondering!

15th August 2009
"Today I had to get up at half past 5 to go on my ferry to the Isle of wight for my holiday. The ferry was great. It was very windy on deck. I thought I was very brave going on the ferry as I am scared of things to do with water.When we got to the isle of wight we were to early so we went to a donkey farm and then to a garden plant thing. Then I went to my caravan. It is great! My room is a little to small but we have the best view ever. Normal me, 10 seconds in and I had already broken the door knob. In the evening I treated myself to a cookie and some TV and then we went on a walk through the woods to a not very good beach."

I love the Isle of Wight, it was one of the best holidays I had ever been on! What makes me laugh though is when I am like 'treated myself to a cookie and some TV' I was 10 years old and on holiday what on earth did I think I would be doing? LOL!

7th September 2009
"Today has been a great day. I got 6 house points on my homework and mine was in the top three so I am going to get a prize. I flet great and proud. Then I was in the golden books for one of my romo and juliet mask, two being a literacy superstar. I can't wait till sophie's sleepover. It will be great. Dylan was being very rude today and when I told my dad about the homework he was saying the prize would be rubbish. so mean. I am a bit cross that Catalin is coming to the sleepover but anyway it will be fun at least Dylan is not there, He is so annoying and cry's over nothing. See ya Nicole!"

I have changed some of the names in these entries so I don't embarrass any of my old friends, just in case they ever do happen to read this. I was such a swot at school but I LOVED primary so much even though I obviously wasn't happy here about the sleepover arrangements!

20th July 2011
" Today was my last full day wooh! I didn't do much! I got an award for most imrpoved student. So I am happy. but lucy is so annoying. she won't talk to me and she is rubbish at rounders.She deteltes her satus after I comment on them. She hates me and laura. She fakes awards for attention, she don't even try! I hate her so much and her little gang of friends but at least I got *Insert long list of friends names here* Best friends forever. Quote: When people try to put you down, just walk on by and don't turn around. Summer soon. Hopefully it don't rain."

This is when I was in year 7, just about to break up for my summer holiday. Honestly the friendship fallouts, drama and bitching that happened in year 7- I don't know how I got through it. Literally now, I am like " If you like me- great! If you don't- that's great as well! I haven't got time for petty arguments! Do you like my really meaningful quote at the end, though? So deep!

My inspiration-
"my inspirtation came from the book miles to go by miley cyrus and book's like voage on the great titanic. We were doing autobiography's in class at school when I had the idea to write mine! And this is how it began..."

This is the start of my 'autobiography' I was on about at the start of the post. I wrote this in year 6, so I would have been around 10 or 11! I had to share this snippet with you because it makes me laugh, I say I was inspired by these two books. Firstly, I never read them and secondly, could you get more different books Nicole? Miley Cyrus and the Titanic- like well done Nicole! My 'autobiography' is so funny, so if you like I can definitely share with you some of the stories I wrote in there! So you can laugh at me even more!

I really hope you enjoyed going back in time and reading some old diary entries' of mine! Yes it was extremely embarrassing but I don't mind- we are all friends here!

Did you ever keep a diary as a kid or a teenager? Would you ever share it on the internet? I would love to know in the comments below!

Thanks for reading x

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  1. It was so cute to read some of your old diary entries :) I'd love to read some parts of your autobiography. Totally gonna write mine now too haha x


  2. Cute post ^_^ I used to write diaries as if I was talking to someone such as "Dear Dizzy..." but know it's more of write stuff down that I need to get off my chest but don't feel like telling anyone xx

    Sophie | Sophie's Spot


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