
Then and Now: 12 Months Later

Last diary entry  July 28th, 2016. A year ago I was stuck in this little bubble that everyone described as my comfort zone and I was too...

Last diary entry 

July 28th, 2016.

A year ago I was stuck in this little bubble that everyone described as my comfort zone and I was too afraid to escape it despite how adventurous I wanted to be. A year ago I was struggling with money, struggling with my mind and thoughts, struggling with how I saw myself and the world around me, struggling to get through each day. A year ago I had no idea what I was doing and I was afraid for my future. A year ago I wasn't even sure who I was.

A year later, I'm no longer stuck inside the bubble which was once my comfort zone. A year later and I feel like I'm finding my confidence and my place in the world. A year later I'm no longer struggling as much as I used to. Things get hard but it happens, the difference now is that I'm learning how to handle the things I have to face. A year later, I'm still trying to find myself but I'm finding my feet and I'm finally doing what I want rather than what others want from me. (I think that's always been the most important thing to me, to do what makes me happy. It's just a shame it's taken me so long to do so).

It wasn't until I took a step back and compared the person I am now to the person I was a year ago that I realised how much of a difference time can make. Time and new, clear perspectives. I know I've changed because people keep telling me I have, but I also know that I've changed for the better. I'm still the same person.

My next goal? To be more forgiving. I think that's my weakest point and something I need to work on.


I wanted to share this extract from my diary as it was my last entry plus I've been noticing so many changes within myself recently that I felt that this extract was relevant to me right now.

I always like to set myself goals for over a long period of time rather than 'okay, by next month I want to have done this' because that's not as easy as it seems. Sometimes taking small steps to help yourself is really beneficial and I hope I stick to it. Do you have one specific goal that you wish to achieve? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading, and sorry this post was so short!

Until next time, be you and keep smiling.

love, tiffany

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  1. Love this post Tiffany! X


  2. I loved this entry so much Tiffany! It's so good to hear that you feel like you've changed for the better & are more confident with who you are now :) x



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