6 Videos I Think You Should Watch

First of all, my apologies for not posting anything on here last Tuesday. I've been lacking in motivation lately, both when it comes...

First of all, my apologies for not posting anything on here last Tuesday. I've been lacking in motivation lately, both when it comes to blogging/writing and just life in general which is why I felt like I had to take a bit of a break to get inspired again. I'm finally getting back on track with blogging now and I'm determined to create content I'm proud of again but since I stepped away from blogging for a bit I'm not too organised right now which is why this post is a bit of a last-minute one. Longer posts are hopefully coming your way again soon though!

Anyways, for todays post I wanted to share some videos I absolutely love with you guys. Personally whenever I'm in a bit of a rut or feeling down going on YouTube helps to make me feel better. Even though it has existed for a while now, I'm still amazed by the concept of YouTube. You can basically find videos on anything, no matter what you're looking for there will be someone giving you tips and advice or cheering you up simply by being themselves. Basically there's something for everyone.

So here are some of my favourite videos by some of my favourite people on YouTube.

1. You Are a Masterpiece by Nika Erculj 

2. I Feel Alone by Kalyn Nicholson 

3. LIVE YOUR LIFE / Spoken Word Poetry by ClickForTaz 

4. Creativity & Finding Inspiration by Savannah Brown 

5. How To Reach Your Goals by Cornelia Grimsmo 

6. Who You Are by Erica Canchola 

As you can see I don't really watch the typical 'beauty guru' videos just because I'm not really interested in those things. What I really love are spoken word poems, videos on a certain topic and sit-down videos where people just share their thoughts & what's on their mind. 

Do you watch any of these channels as well? What did you think of the videos? What kind of videos are your favourite ones? I'd love to know!

Thank you for reading & I'll see you in two weeks. Much love, Sara x

Instagram: @saraschapters
Twitter: @saraschapters

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  1. I love Savannah Brown so much! Have you seen Carrie Fletcher's video on being allowed to be creative? I can't remember the name of the video but I've watched it countless times.

    Jemima x


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