
A little about me

Hi everyone! I’m Anna and I blog over at afabulousfeminist.blogspot.co.uk ! I’ve guest posted on here before (you can read that post here !)...

Hi everyone! I’m Anna and I blog over at afabulousfeminist.blogspot.co.uk! I’ve guest posted on here before (you can read that post here!), and am now pleased to saw that I am a permanent contributor of Through Our Eyes. So, as you may know from the others’ posts, the new seven of us are introducing ourselves this week, and I’m the last of us to do so, as Sunday (every other week), is my slot. So, here is a little about me…

I’m sixteen years old and live in the south of England, quite a cold area, but not so cold to get snowy winters. Occasionally we will, but not often, which I find a little upsetting as I absolutely adore the snow. Where I live is surrounded by woods, and our little area is mainly filled with squirrels— and a few deer! I also lived in Australia for a large portion of my life, five & a half years, and I’m proud to say that that beautiful country is my glorious second home.

I’m currently in my first year of college, studying A levels in Drama & Theatre Studies, English Literature and Language combined (which is really interesting, but I kind of wish I chose Literature, because that course studies Sylvia Plath’s work! As you’ll find out, I love poetry. A lot.) and am doing a CTEC in Performing Arts: Acting. Acting is my passion, and I thrive off of it. I honestly am in love with it. Challenging myself to fully transform into another is incredible, and I love it. I also love writing (hence the blogging!). 

As I mentioned just before, I am a huge poetry lover. I’ve posted a few of my poems over on my blog, which you can check out through these links 1, 2, 3, and I now also have an Instagram account where I alternate posting poetry with photos that I take, sometimes of artwork I do (which you can check out here!). I haven't mentioned it yet, but I love art. Drawing, painting, photography— anything creative and I’m there! I consider myself an artist, in many forms of the word, and I also take pleasure in walking and running. I love to be outside and go on adventures. Travelling is something I adore, and wish I could do more of. 

Something that you’ll find, and something that I’d really hope you’d expect of me (and everyone!), is that feminism is extremely important to me. It wholly saddens me when people get the wrong idea about it, or say it’s unnecessary, because it isn’t. Oh my, is it not. Feminism is so incredibly important and alive today, and I wish that all people would understand that it simply means equality. What is so wrong with that?

On my blog, A Fabulous Feminist, I blog about a lot, anything from poems to makeup posts, feminism to tips I’d like to share! Most of the time though, it’s things that I’ve thought about, and developed into a piece of writing. I write a lot; journals, short stories, poems(!), descriptions, novel chapters. I’d quite like to write an ebook, and a big dream of mine is to publish some writing, a novel, or a book with my poetry, short extracts and thoughts I’ve had, with little meaningful illustrations that I’ve done.

I have a lot of dreams. Particularly regarding acting. I would love to work in the acting industry, to act for a career. That would be so so incredible. 

Anyway, that’s all for now! You’ll find out a lot more about me soon, I’ll be posting alternate Sundays to the lovely Jemima. Make sure to check back here each day, for more unique content! If you want to be friends on social media, my links will be down below. See you soon!

Thanks for reading. X

Instagram: annaxrobinson & wildpetals 
Pinterest: annaxrobinson 

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  1. Looking forward to reading your future posts Anna! Sundays are obviously the best days haha.

    Jemima x

    1. Thanks, Jemima! I think I picked a good day!

      Anna. X


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