
Well Hello...

I'm Hayley, and I'm new around here. Well newish, you may have seen me when I guest posted recently, read the post here , but n...

I'm Hayley, and I'm new around here. Well newish, you may have seen me when I guest posted recently, read the post here, but now I'm going to be making a regular appearance on Through Our Eyes and I'm super excited.

I'm joining the other ladies, bringing you a different post every day by a different girl. My days going to be Saturday, so every other Saturday look out for my random musings...

I'm the oldie of the bunch (massively). I'm 31 and a new mummy. I had my daughter Phoebe back in June, so I may bring you mummy style posts occasionally. Hope you don't mind... I'm kind of obsessed with her ;)
I have my own blog called ItsJustMeHayleyD. It's basically a blog of my life. I post pretty much anything that takes my fancy. There's a ton of beauty reviews, a few tag posts (who doesn't love a good tag post hey?!), lots of baby posts and there's even a few baking posts.

I'm sure I'll post similar things on here, and I really hope you enjoy what I post.

In this first post from me I thought I'd give you five random facts about me.
So here goes...

1, My favourite film is Birdman of Alcatraz. It's a true story about a man whose imprisoned in Alcatraz and keeps birds. I'm clearly not explaining it very well, but go watch it you won't regret it.

2, I'm terrified of bugs... literally if  anything small that has legs and wings comes near me, I scream my head off...

3, I hate having cold feet. Basically I live in socks all year round...

4, I've watched The Big Bang Theory all the way through twice. It's brilliant, and Sheldon's just soo bloody funny.

5, I'm obsessed with magazines... Buying them, reading them, using pictures from them for scrapbooking and keeping them on display in my house. When I recently moved I had to throw some away and I'm sure it was over 100...
So there you have it five very random facts about me. Let me know a random fact about you below...

Thanks for reading...
Love Hayley

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  1. I love The Big Bang Theory! It's so funny.

    Jemima x


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