
Books On My TBR List

First of all guys, I have to share this bookmark with you. I made it as a little DIY last year but then I couldn't find it anymo...

First of all guys, I have to share this bookmark with you. I made it as a little DIY last year but then I couldn't find it anymore so I thought I had left it in a book I returned to the library or something. Turns out it somehow ended up beneath my bed though, I found it when I was cleaning a few days ago. So now I can use it again which I'm probably way to excited about.

Anyways, for today's post I wanted to share some of the books that are currently on my to be read list cause there are quite a few on there. Since my final oral exams are coming up and I had to read three or more books for German, English, French and Italian, I haven't really had the chance to read anything else lately. That's why I'm keeping a list of all the books I want to read so that once my exams are over I can get back to it. I honestly can't wait to finally have the time to read books I actually want to read daily again.

1) The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

I read I'll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson during my summer break and absolutely loved it. Not only is it beautifully written but the whole story line is incredible. Actually, I think it's one of the best books I've ever read. I'm hoping that The Shy Is Everywhere is just as good.

2) Holding Up The Universe by Jennifer Niven 

Jennifer Niven is the author of All The Bright Places, a book I'm sure most of you have read as well. Again, I really hope I'll enjoy Holding Up The Universe just as much. 

3) Nothing More by Anna Todd

As a Directioner (yes, I still consider myself to be one) I obviously had to read the After series. I think even if you're not a One Direction fan though you can enjoy the books a lot, I mean they don't really have anything to do with the band other than the fact that Hardin was inspired by Harry. Anyways, Nothing More is the first book telling Landon's story, one of the characters in After. 

4) Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert 

The only book by Elizabeth Gilbert I've read so far is Big Magic which is a very encouraging book for creative people. Learning more about her and her writing journey made me want to check out Eat Pray Love since it's her most popular novel which for some reason, I haven't read yet. I think I've seen parts of the movie but I can't really remember. Also, I'm glad I haven't seen all of it because I don't like watching a movie before reading the book.

5) Girl Online Going Solo by Zoe Sugg

There's a lot of controversy and different opinions when it comes to YouTubers writing books but personally I think Zoe is doing a great job with her Girl Online series. I enjoyed the first two books a lot so since the third one just came out I'll definitely have to get my hands on it. I'm really curious to see what story line she came up with for this one. 

6) Harry Potter And The Cursed Child by J.K.Rowling

I know, I know, I can't believe I still haven't read this either! But like I said, exam preparation is currently a thing. Obviously, I love Harry Potter (who doesn't) and I can't wait to dive into J.K.Rowling's magical world again. Actually, I think I'll re-read all the books next year. Sounds like a good idea, doesn't it? People either loved The Cursed Child or didn't like it at all so I guess I'll find out which side I'm on once I read it. I really hope I'll love it though. 

7) The Chronicles Of Narnia by C.S.Lewis

My brother read all of the books for his English oral exams a few years back and I don't think they have been touched ever since so they're just sitting on his shelf waiting for me to read them. 

8) Basically every Jane Austen novel there is 

Ever since reading Pride & Prejudice a few months ago and totally falling in love with it I've been wanting to give her other novels a go as well. I'm pretty sure I'll love them but I'm not sure if anyone can compete with Mr. Darcy to be honest. He's one of my favourite fictional characters ever.

Have you read any of these books? What's on your TBR list? I'd love to know!

I hope you're all having a good week so far. Much love, Sara x

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