
Dear Christmas

Dear Christmas, How have you come around so quickly? It feels like only yesterday I was singing Christmas carols and sat around the Chris...

Dear Christmas,

How have you come around so quickly? It feels like only yesterday I was singing Christmas carols and sat around the Christmas tree with my family. You seem to have come so quickly but started a lot earlier. It is only November but festivities are all go go go!

I love the feeling of seeing the frost and the green outside of my house in the morning whilst sitting on my bed by the radiator, feeling warm and cosy whilst the leaves on the trees are scattered around the bottoms of their trunks. I love walking to my bus stop and treading on crisp leaves that are frozen into positions like gymnasts. 

I love drinking cups of tea in Christmas Costa Coffee cups whilst browsing the aisles of Christmas luxuries in Boots. I love the colour of the trees as I look out of my window whilst I am sat at my desk, writing blog posts and doing homework. 

But the bit I love the most is that everyone's spirits are uplifted. The feeling of happiness as you smile at someone as you walk down the street. The feeling of warmth on a cold winters day. The feeling of joy as you spend time with your favourite people.

I feel very fortunate this year, Christmas, as I have so many friends and family that I know love me and I have a home to enjoy the festive time of year. I am grateful for that.

So although you are over a month away, Christmas, welcome and I hope you have a nice time whilst it lasts.

Until next time,
Katie xx 

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  1. I totally agree with the comment you made about people's spirits! The festive season has such a lovely and friendly atmosphere- if only that could always exist!

    Anna. X

  2. I cannot believe how quick Christmas has come around! This post has got me so excited!!

    Whitney Loren xoxo

  3. This post left me feeling all warm and fuzzy! I am so excited its christmas xx


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