Heyy, so this week we had a theme of blogging and I thought what better post to do than that of my journey of blogging :)
To tell you the truth, I only started blogging initially because I had to through my uni course and the modules within it required me to do two different blogs. One in first year and then another in second. However, after getting the hang of things and getting a feel for WordPress and actually blogging, I thought I’d get rid of the other two & just start afresh.
It was all exciting the thought of it, but boy let me tell you, finding a name for your blog ain’t half a struggle! I mean my own blog is called ‘Tips, Tricks n’ Tantrums’ and probably the majority of you will think it’s cringey & there could’ve been so many better names but once I had it, it kinda stuck & stays with me now. You can check out my blog here – www.tipstricksntantrums.wordpress.com
Once I had my name I thought I was all good to go, but then it was all about choosing a theme and a colour scheme which then you have to keep consistent throughout the rest of your social media!! Phew, I tell ya, it seems like hard work but it’s somewhat satisfying and all pays off in the end. What better feeling than that of satisfaction and content.
Here is my current 'logo' if you like that I have for my twitter & blog header. My colour scheme is pinks, purples & greys. :)
If you’re gonna start a blog, not everyone has to have social media to go along with it, but it can be a good idea to broaden you’re blogging community and meet a heap of new people! I’m so glad I did otherwise I wouldn’t be where I am now and know some of the guys & gals within blogging that I do.
I’m not claiming to be an expert by all means, I am most definitely far from it. I am still trying to build up my social media, both in the content I post and the amount of people I engage with. I find to have had more success with twitter than Instagram, but that might just be due to my online habits etc.
I have separate accounts for both my personal and blogging life. Of course there’s no harm joining the two and having one for all, but I feel more organised and keep all things blogging separate and together rather than merging. (This can also be a confidence thing too, if you don’t want anyone you know in real life to know about your blog, then obviously it’s going to be best to keep things separate from each other.

So yeah, I still have a long way to go & it’s gonna take me ages before I really ‘take off’ with all things tips, tricks n’ tantrums :P but I feel as though if I stick to it enough, dedicate time and effort; it’ll all pay off and be worth it in the end.
I mean who doesn’t dream of being the next ‘Zoella’ I know I do!! *Keep going gals & guys* Have faith and you never know where your blog can take you!!
Hope you all enjoyed reading and please feel free to get in touch if you have any blogging queries. *I’ll try my best to help & advise, but like I said, I’m not a pro so anything I do say is through my experiences only* :) <3
Thanks for reading!