
Why I love Blogging

When we decided this theme, I planned to write about how much I love blogging and how great it is but now I feel in such a slump with blog...

When we decided this theme, I planned to write about how much I love blogging and how great it is but now I feel in such a slump with blogging. I can't think of any ideas for my blog and no time to post anything. I think the main reason is because I am so so busy with school. So today I thought I would write about why I love blogging so that I might feel motivated to blog again.

I like blogging because it is so free - there are no limits for what you can do.

I like blogging because it allows me to express my creativity.

I like blogging because it allows me to socialise with so many amazing people.

I like blogging because it allows me to relive memories that I may have forgotten.

I like blogging because the comments are always so lovely and it reminds me that I am not alone

I like blogging because it has made me a better writer.

I like blogging because it has helped me develop my ideas and skills

I like blogging because it has made me more confident. 

I like blogging because it has made me more organised.

I like blogging because it has made me realise what I can achieve when I put my mind to it. 

Laura xx

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