
Reflection of my summer.

Heyyyyy, So I thought with winter officially..kinda here, I wanna  write about my summer  to try and cheer me up and not have to think ab...

So I thought with winter officially..kinda here, I wanna write about my summer to try and cheer me up and not have to think about the miserable weather and the more of it to come.. Hopefully it will make you all think about summer too :)
This summer gone, I spent it all working and yes you may be thinking well how does remembering you worked all summer cheer you up; well let me tell you.. :P
My first job was a paid placement with my university and was a Communications & PR assistant at the local hospital. This was ideal for me as it was very broad and was in a well recognised and respected institute. Although I was a nervous wreck to start and thought six weeks was the longest time period possible, I soon settled in and LOVED every minute.
Only I and the others will get this obv :P but just thought I'd share it with you all anyway to show you how comfortable and fun this job was!

The people I got to work with and new faces I got to meet and keep in touch with was amazing. I met people in the industry which was gonna be great for my CV etc, and also worked with the most wonderful team I could've wished for. The opportunities I got there are ones I will never forget and I think it has really made me 'blossom' if you will, as a person and had a MASSIVE confidence boost.
Was legit sad to leave and wouldn't know what to do with myself for the week I had off before I went on my holiday..sad I know! :P
My cute AF leaving prezzies off the team at the hospital! My heart bleeds, sooo cute!

So yeh, had a week of chilling , packing and socialising to do before the BF came up to Newcastle for a couple of days before we jetted off to Spain for a lovely week in the sun :)
Although we had already been to Amsterdam together as a little getaway, this was our first summer holiday away together and we had an absolutely amaze time! Was boiling hot every single day, we had plans the whole week and left with mint tans and came back from it a whole lot stronger and closer as a couple :) *GAYYYYY*
It makes me smile because all of the time, we are constantly making memories together and hopefully there are a lot more to be made :)

So after returning from our holiday, he had to go home back to Wales *WAAAAA* :( and I started my second job of the summer. It was a summer scheme working with young people aged 15-17, going away on residentials (in this case, it was the beautiful Lake District) team building and outdoor activities. To be honest, at some points I thought I was enjoying myself more than the kids were.. :P sorry not sorry.
The things I loved most about this job was how much myself as a leader/mentor bonded with my group of kids and how much of an amazing team all of the staff were. Honestly made friends for life there & from different parts of the world too!

Finally, I had a whole month off before starting back at university & the whole time I wished I was back working with the fabulous people I came to know and love this summer.
Just a word of advice, if you ever think something is bad or you don't wanna do something because you'll feel you're missing out, DO IT ANYWAY!! Most opportunities only come around once and I say grab them with both hands! You have the rest of your life to do whatever it was you might've done otherwise, so just be brave and bold and do something different.
I know I did and I'm all the better person for it. Couldn't be happier and SO glad I made the choices I did. It also wont kill you to be proactive and look as much as you can for upcoming opportunities as you never know what you might find and where it'll lead you!
Thanks for reading guys, hope this kinda made you forget about the miserable weather, I know it made me..forever dreaming about summer 2016 :P

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  1. A great post of your achievements, although the picture including the vodka has made me want to go out now!

    Whitney Loren xoxo

    1. aw thank you!! was a fab summer like! and haha oops sorry, my bad :P xx


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