
At Christmas Time

At Christmas time, there’s a hint of something in the atmosphere. A sense of excitement. There’s an extraordinary anticipation, dancing on ...

At Christmas time, there’s a hint of something in the atmosphere. A sense of excitement. There’s an extraordinary anticipation, dancing on the pavement where the feet of pedestrians walk, skip, and run between shops, swinging their festive carrier bags. You have to dart between them, the teeming crowd— but it’s a pleasant movement. Although busy, the Christmas spirit blossoms around you, and you become immersed in festive cheer. It’s a wonderful time.

Decorations adorn the glassy fronts of stores, lights of every colour glowing from buildings, and hugging the trees in which they are wrapped around. Your reflection passes you in the windows of the shops, wrapped warm in a winter coat, scarf clutched tight. The colours are incredible. They are stars, cosmic explosions swirling across your vision. Festive jumpers, Christmas displays, tinsel! Everything is so alight with colour and expression; what a beautiful season.

The silhouettes of tree branches frame the canvas of winter's sky; an artist's brush is poised to paint the markets that will grow to be the skyline. The scent of sizzling meals is cultivated as drinks are poured into tankards. Music intertwines itself with your ears, encouraging an extra skip in your step, a glimmering smile in your eyes.

At Christmas time.


Thanks for reading! I hope you're all having a lovely month. What's your favourite part about this time of year?

See you in two weeks! (Christmas day!)

Anna. X

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  1. I love this post; you do such a great job of conjuring up the holiday atmosphere in it and your writing is so elegant!

    -Minerva http://nerdwordblog.blogspot.com/

  2. A wonderful piece of work. What you have written makes me want to go outside and look at the lights and enjoy the lust. Glad I followed your blog!


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