
Christmas Means...

Christmas time means snuggling up on the couch with a blanket and a cup of tea feeling all cosy while watching movies, especially...

Christmas time means snuggling up on the couch with a blanket and a cup of tea feeling all cosy while watching movies, especially Christmas movies like Love Actually or The Holiday. They never get old. It means eating clementines, peanuts and lots of chocolate next to burning candles, it means lighting another one of them every Sunday leading up to Christmas Eve until there are four flames flickering.

Christmas time means buying ready-made Christmas cookie dough and baking them with my mum even though every year we say we'll do all of it ourselves this time. Maybe 2016 will be the year we actually will. It means putting up the Christmas tree, deciding on a colour scheme we want to go for and, again, decorating it with my mum, making sure every ornament gets the perfect spot while listening to music.

Christmas time means going to Christmas markets despite the fact that it's pretty much the same thing every year and that there are always too many people so you have to make your way through the crowd somehow. Still, it's worth it and it wouldn't be Christmas without them. It means feeling the festivity in the atmosphere and admiring all the lights brightening up the city during night time.

Of course, it also means watching vlogmas videos every day and absolutely loving it.

Christmas time means sitting on the floor in my room, wrapping paper all around me, ready to finish all the presents and hoping they'll be liked.

Some years, Christmas means huge family reunions with my mother's parents, all of her siblings and their children in a cabin in the wood, rented for the evening just for us. It means eating raclette and singing Christmas songs together, hearing my uncle's dominant voice, seeing my dad hardly moving his lips so no one can hear him, it means listening to the sound of my grandfather's harmonica.

Other years it means being at home with my brother and my parents wearing comfy clothes, having a lazy evening, eating and watching a movie afterwards.

Every year it means going to church pretty much for the first time in twelve months to see the children perform a nativity play, to wait for the moment when all the lights go out and everyone starts singing Silent Night. There's something magical about it.

Christmas means opening gifts on December 25th and then going over to my father's sister house to spend the day with his family, eating self-made pasta and of course, dessert.

It means hoping for a white Christmas because that's the only day I'd actually want snow but being disappointed most years.

What does Christmas mean to you? I'd love to know!

I hope everyone reading this is having/will have a wonderful Christmas time. Enjoy all the festivities and the time spent with loved ones. Much love to all of you.

I'll see you in two weeks. Till next time, Sara x

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  1. Lovely post about Christmas! I agree with every single point and I can't wait to put my feet up and relax a little bit. Seems like the only time of year where everyone stops to breathe and it's so nice x

    1. Thanks so much lovely, I'm happy to hear you liked it! :) It really is, I hope you'll have the most wonderful & relaxing Christmas time x

  2. This is lovely Sara!

    Jemima x


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