I wrote recently on my individual blog, about my dislike for the phrase ‘new year, new me’, and why I feel the way that I do. Today, I want to discuss a little phrase I’ve thought of, and why I think that this could be a beneficial substitute.
‘New year, no fear.’

This phrase centres around the idea of the new year be a daunting subject, with undue amounts of pressure. Sometimes we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be different as soon as the clock strikes twelve. And often, when we may not achieve our targets straight away, or we don’t keep to them like we hoped we would, we give up.
We like to say that “2017 will be our year!”, but it doesn’t take long for our opinion on this to change. And then we give up, assuring ourselves that “2018 will be!”
But the thing is, any year can be your year— every year can! When it feels like you've missed too much, that you’re too late, don't give up and wait for the next year to roll around. You don’t have to wait to try again. You don’t have to wait for new year to be a better person, or a happier one. Stop making excuses and be happy now. Don't be afraid of trying again, it's a positive thing. You’ll thank yourself.
You can do what you want, whenever you want. Don’t worry if things haven't gone to plan, and don't be afraid. Just breathe, and try again.
Happy New Year. X