Today I'm going to be sharing a personal post, which hopefully, you can all relate to at some point in your life. If you regularly read my content on this blog, or even my own blog, you may realize that it has been empty and so boring. I haven't really been consistent with both blogs either, which is something I really wanted to do.
I have recently realized that the only way to be happy is to make sure you put yourself first. I've always been one to do anything for other people, always putting others before myself - which sometimes is ok. But I got to the point where my life had no relevancy to even myself anymore, as I was too busy living a life others wanted me to live or forcing myself to change. But, I found myself thinking a lot the last few months about how everything is changing around me and I haven't even noticed.
As I'm getting older, I'm starting to see things differently and I'm starting to make decisions based on my own future, rather than what's best for those around me. New people are entering my life and people still continue to pass through my life, after a while you get used to it. But those who still remain in my life are most important. Those who don't care what you do, as long as you're happy, and those who don't judge you for your mistakes or judge you for the way you are - but those who accept you for everything that you are.
Some of my friends are starting university and other friends are now in full time work. Other friends are like me, staying at college. Which is actually quite scary as this is my last year and I need to decide really soon about a lot of things - even though I don't exactly want to. One thing I definitely know I want to do is to travel the world!
What I'm trying to say in this post is, be nothing but yourself. Those who really matter will accept you for you. Also, change can be a good thing - it's not always bad. So whether you're going through a hard time, whether it's family, friends, relationships, school, college, uni, work or even yourself, just remember everything happens for a reason. All you need to do is take every opportunity to grab happiness, even if it is something small or whether you're not sure if it's going to be there forever. The main thing is, it makes you happy now.
After all, the only person guaranteed to be there with you every step of your life is, you.