Tips On Staying Inspired & Motivated

No matter how much you love blogging, sometimes you reach a point where you're feeling very uninspired, you don't seem to have an...

No matter how much you love blogging, sometimes you reach a point where you're feeling very uninspired, you don't seem to have any ideas what to write about or you simply just don't have any motivation at all. Whether you frequently experience it or only rarely, whenever it does happen, it sucks. Over the course of this past year I learned a few things about what you can do to prevent a lack of inspiration or motivation, how to deal with those phases where the words just don't flow and what to consider when it comes to your blog in general. This week's theme is blogging advice so I thought that's the perfect opportunity to share my thoughts and tips.

1. Start your blog for the right reasons

Before starting a blog, I think it's important to ask yourself: am I doing this because I'm genuinely excited about the idea of blogging or am I simply just doing this because I've seen these extremely successful bloggers and want to achieve the same? I'm not saying that wanting to be successful with what you're doing and growing your blog is a bad thing but if that's the only reason why you're starting one your motivation probably won't last for a long time. Blogging isn't easy, it takes patience and quite a lot of work. Only when you're truly passionate about it you'll feel inspired and you'll be able to push through those phases where you don't. 

2. Read other blogs & just read in general

One of the many beautiful things about reading is that you can get a lot of inspiration from it. You might be reading a blog post, an article or a book when you suddenly come across a certain sentence, quote or paragraph that catches your attention and makes you come up with an idea yourself. Of course it's not about copying somebody else, that's never a good idea to regain your motivation, it's about reading something you resonate with and then asking yourself: what do I have to add to this? What are my own thoughts?    

3. Don't compare your blog

You've probably already heard this like a million times before but honestly, don't. I feel like this is something people should hear over and over again because there really is no point in comparing your work to someone else's - whether it's your writing style, your pictures, your blog design or the amount of followers you have. Comparing your blog will only lead to you feeling down about your own or like you're doing everything wrong when that's really not the case. You won't feel inspired to work on something when you're not happy with it and I feel like that's what happens when you look at a blog with the thought 'everything about this is so much better than mine' in mind. 

4. Write down every random thought

Whenever you're thinking about something that you could turn into a blog post in some way or another, no matter how random it might seem at first, write it down. Even if it's just one word or a very vague idea, whenever you're feeling uninspired you might read through all these fragments of your thoughts again and suddenly know exactly how you could incorporate them into a blog post and develop it around that specific line you wrote down.  

5. Write about things you actually care about

Again, blogging is a lot of work, but when you're passionate about your topics and excited to share that passion with other people, it doesn't really feel like work anymore because you enjoy what you're doing. Trying to force yourself to write about topics you don't care about just because you feel like it's something people would want to read you'll soon lose motivation. That's also why comparing your blog is such a bad idea: you see what other people are doing and feel like you should be doing the same thing. But trust me, the most important thing is that you're happy with your content because only then you'll feel inspired to continue with it.  

6. Remind yourself of why you're doing it

Like I said, it's important to start your blog for the right reasons. Once you started your blog, it's just as important to remind yourself of what that reason is from time to time, to remind yourself of your personal 'why'. Ask yourself: why am I doing this? Why is it not something I'm willing to give up on even in phases where I feel unmotivated? Whether it's because you love writing, because you want to express your thoughts, give advice, share your fashion or beauty tips - remind yourself of that initial spark that made you want to go for it and let it inspire you all over again. 

7. Do what works for you 

When it comes to blogging, sometimes it's better not to listen to every piece of advice and make your own rules. I think it's great that people share their personal advice, in fact that's what I'm doing myself right now, but advice is really just that: a personal opinion, view or preference. What works for somebody else might not work for you. Maybe you're someone who doesn't like planning posts in advance or maybe you do like to do it. Either way is fine as long as it is what works for you. To me, that's often the key to staying inspired: listening to myself and doing this whole blogging thing my way.

Do you agree with the points I've mentioned? What are your own tips when it comes to staying inspired and motivated to blog?

Thank you for reading, until next Tuesday. Sara x  

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