
A to Z of Emily Rose.

Hello, everyone! *waves* I'm Emily Rose.  I'm one of the most recent additions to the group of bloggers writing on Throug...

Hello, everyone! *waves* I'm Emily Rose. 

I'm one of the most recent additions to the group of bloggers writing on Through Our Eyes and feel very humbled at the opportunity to write for a blog other than my own on a regular basis. It's quite tricky to think of facts about yourself (if you haven't done it before then try it... it's definitely more difficult than you think!) however I decided to work my way through the alphabet and try and think of something for each letter, some were most certainly harder than others but I've done it and I hope you enjoy getting to know me. You can also head over to the 'Meet TOE' tab and click 'Emily' to find out more about me.

A A - levels
I'm currently at sixth form studying my A - Levels: Biology, Chemistry, English Language and History!

B Blossoms
These guys are quite a recent addition to my playlist but I really like their music. You should hop over to Spotify and listen to their debut album Blossoms, in particular, Getaway.

C cancer
My zodiac sign! I'm really quite into astrology, I just find it really interesting.

D dogs
I'm definitely more of a dog person than a cat person. I've always had a dog, currently my Labrador Lurcher Ebony and previous to her I had a Collie Cross called Marley!

This is my little blog, it's almost three years old! You can pop over and say hello anytime.

F Friday
Is it strange to have a favourite day of the week? I do... It's Friday! 

G Gilmore Girls
I'm currently watching this series on Netflix and loving it!

H Halsey
She's such a wonderful artist and I've been lucky enough to see her live.

I I'd rather be a comma than a full stop
This is one of my favourite lyrics from the Coldplay song Every Teardrop is a Waterfall.

J July
July is my birth month, hence why my zodiac sign is cancer!

K the Kooks
Another band I love!

My favourite shop ever... just like so many other people, I'm pretty obsessed.

M moonstone
I really like moonstones, I'm also pretty sure they have something to do with my birth month!

N Nightmare before Christmas
A film I still haven't seen and desperately want to watch before Christmas!!

O ombré
This is how I had my hair before it was cut, I think it looks gorgeous!

P Pretty Little Liars
Another TV show I love! I'm so sad it's ending but I can't wait to see how it concludes.

Q quotes
I'm quite easily inspired and quotes are definitely something that motivate me and I've recently just started a series on my blog called #ThursdayThoughts which includes quotes!

R roses
My favourite flower, as well as my middle name and the name of my Grandma!

S She Moves In Her Own Way
This is my favourite song by The Kooks. Whenever I listen to it, it just makes me feel really happy. I'm easily pleased by little things.

T To Do List
Like many, I love to do lists. They really help me to put in order what I have to do.

U University
I think I want to go to uni when I finish my A - Levels.

V vegetarian
I think this one is pretty self-explanatory! I haven't been eating meat for around 6 months and I'm loving it.

W What are you doing right now? Does it make you happy?
Two questions I tend to ask myself when I'm in a situation that I'm unsure about.

X x-ray
I've had one x-ray in my life, it was on my ankle.

Y YouTube
I've recently branched out into the world of YouTube and if you'd like to hit subscribe that would be greatly appreciated. (click here)

Z Zebra
Aren't they just gorgeous animals? I really struggled with finding something for the letter 'z'.

Thank you for reading! I'll be back again in two weeks today so make sure to come back and say hello again. Let me know a fact about yourself in the comments!


You can come and say hello on my own blog or hit follow on my social media sites too:
YouTube: Emsi Rose or Extra Emsi
Bloglovin': Emsi Rose
Instagram: @emsirose
Twitter: @emsiroseXO
Pinterest: emsirosexo
Snapchat: emsirose

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  1. Zebras are such lovely animals! Have you seen Racing Stripes? It used to be one of my favourite films. I love that Coldplay lyric too - it's so lovely!

    Jemima x


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