
What blogging has taught me

I’ve been blogging since May 2015. When I started out, I had no clue what I was doing, and I posted sporadically for a very long time, ...

I’ve been blogging since May 2015. When I started out, I had no clue what I was doing, and I posted sporadically for a very long time, and left long gaps where I didn’t post at all (I'm not saying that not having a schedule is a bad thing- not at all!). It was August of this year when I started posting more regularly, and I’m pleased to say that in that time I’ve learnt a lot. As the theme for this week on Through Our Eyes is ‘blogging’, I thought I’d share some of these things!
My blog!

Organisational Skills

Ever since I learnt that blog posts can be scheduled, my organisational skills have grown. I often wrote my posts in advance anyway, but actually being able to schedule them is so useful, and it encourages me to get my posts written, edited and ready in good time. I’m not always particularly early in having my posts ready, but there have been some days where I’ve had quite a few posts scheduled, and I’ve been pretty impressed. This skill hasn't stopped there, though. Organisational skills are so transferable! I feel more encouraged to get other things done in advance now too as I know how good it feels— and that’s incredibly useful, especially with my college workload. I won’t lie though, I’m still a top notch procrastinator. 

To Write More

Blogging has definitely taught me to write more. It encourages it. By setting myself a schedule (a post on my personal blog Mondays & Fridays at 17.00, and a post on here 12.00 every other Sunday) it means I have to write enough for this to work. And so, I set myself aside time to write, and therefore end up writing more! This is so great, as I love writing— which you may know from my post 2 weeks ago— and the fact that writing pushes my creativity. 

To Educate Myself

Often when writing a blog post, you may feel it necessary to look something up, to check a fact, or research something new. I have collected various pieces of knowledge form doing as such, learning things that I find useful, and things that I find interesting. Whether it be a fact or the definition of some au courant word or phrase, blogging has taught me that a great way to learn is to go out there and find out myself. By reading the posts of other bloggers too, I’ve been inspired to do as such as well.

To Push Myself

Also through blogging, I’ve been taught to push myself. In writing, in time management, in work. Writing blog posts has inspired me to push myself to write better, take better photos. To improve my craft, hone it, work on it. 
And enjoy it.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading some things that blogging has taught me. What has blogging taught you? Let me know below!

See you in a fortnight— or in tomorrow’s post over on a fabulous feminist!


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  1. Blogging has taught me so many things I wouldn't have thought of beforehand!

    Jemima x


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