
Why do we write?

(Thank you Jemima for the photo, unfortunately I was unable to post mine!) Why do we write? Is it to see our thoughts collect toge...

Is it to see our thoughts collect together in ways we’ve never experienced, or to set them out, in order to think through them clearly? Do we write for clarity, or with no intention insight— simply to enjoy and explore language? 

Why do we write? 

Lately, I’ve been thinking about this. What is it that makes me put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard, mind to the written word? 

I knew that of course, the answer will differ between different writers— we’re all different people and will have our own, personal reasons for why we write. I thought that here, today, I might explore some of them! Here we go…

To Express Ourselves

This is a big one, and I’m sure likely rings true to all, or at least a large portion of us writers. Writing is a way of expressing yourself, your feelings, and the thoughts inside of you. A way of getting your thoughts onto paper. This is an example of how writing can help you to gain clarity, and also help you to look at things in ways you may not have yet thought. Writing is a brilliant way to get things off your chest. I’ve written over on my personal blog about my love for my journal and how amazing it is for ranting and alike, which you can read here.

To Communicate with an Audience

One of the reasons in which we may write is to communicate our thoughts with an audience. That’s definitely a reason for why we blog. We, or at least I, enjoy putting my thoughts out there, discussing various topics, and learning as I go! Connecting with others and engaging in discourse about important topics is something I find incredibly important. We can all teach each other so much, and by writing, communicate that. 

To Experience Emotions

Because writing can be incredibly enjoyable— and that’s such a great thing. Writing is also a release— a therapy maybe? You can be wholly and completely yourself, or take on the character of someone else. In this role, every emotion can flourish through you, push you to the extremities of humanity, and you can put that into words— how amazing is that?

Because we Have to

I can’t speak for anyone else, of course, but I can speak for myself. One of the reasons that I write is because I have to. Not in the sense that I am told to, or encouraged to, or feel obligated to— not at all. No, there is this sensation deeply rooted inside of my bones and organs, which urges me to write. There is a fire that pushes the words out of me and onto the page. There is some innate part of me that must perpetually write, continuously create art. 

So why do we write? For many, many reasons— some which I haven't even mentioned here today. 

But, for me, most importantly, it’s because writing is a part of who I am. Not writing is not me.

Why do you write?

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  1. I love this! It's such an interesting topic to think about as well. I write for all of the reasons you mentioned, but mostly because it's such a deep part of me that if I didn't write I would have lost a part of my soul. Call me overdramatic!

    Jemima x

    1. I totally understand, Jemima! Writing is an integral part of my being.

      Anna. X

  2. I feel very similarly about writing, and could not have said so as beautifully as you did here! The more I write, the more I can't imagine not doing it.


    1. Thank you so much! Writing is a part of me.

      Anna. X

  3. I love writing! I mostly use it to express my feelings and it helps me a lot! It gives me a sense of purpose too! Loved this post!

    Whitney Loren xoxo

  4. Love this post! I've never really thought why I write, but I guess it's to express myself in some way, even if the words only make sense to me xx

    Sophie's Spot

    1. Thank you so much! Words can be so personal, and I think that's amazing.

      Anna. X

  5. This is a very interesting post! I like your point of view and it would be great if you could check out my article on the same topic :) HERE
    Tell me what you think!



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